VeinMiner icon

VeinMiner -----

Minecraft Forge's VeinMiner recreated for Spigot servers.

Togglable VeinMiner
* Slightly optimized the command manager
* Added a "/veinminer toggle" subcommand to toggle whether VeinMiner is active or not
* Added a permission node for the new "/veinminer toggle" sub-command - "veinminer.toggle", default to all players
* API: Added methods for the new toggle functionality under the VeinMinerManager class
* API: Added a PlayerVeinMineEvent#getAffectedBlock() method to get which block was modified
* Fixed a few memory leaks with clearing localized veinminable block data
----------, Jul 8, 2016
Resource Information
Total Downloads: 918,110
First Release: Sep 9, 2015
Last Update: Aug 28, 2024
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
80 ratings
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Version -----
Released: --------------------
Downloads: ------
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