VeinMiner icon

VeinMiner -----

Minecraft Forge's VeinMiner recreated for Spigot servers.

Blocklist Restructuring
* The blocklist is now separated into individual categories per-tool (pickaxe, axe, shovel, shears, and all)
* All individual sections have different permission nodes, as followed:
- Removed "veinminer.veinminer" permission node, replaced with "veinminer.veinmine.*"
- Children permission nodes are respective to the tools, "veinminer.veinmine.pickaxe", "veinminer.veinmine.shovel", etc.​
* The "/veinminer blocklist" command has had some remodelling to deal with individual tools as well
- Removed the "/veinminer blocklist reset" option as it was a little bit more intensive than originally planned
- Syntax is now as followed: "/veinminer blocklist <tool> <add|remove|list>"​
* API Changes:
- Added a VeinMinerManager class to keep track of veinminable block information (VeinMiner#getVeinMinerManager())
- Added a VeinTool utility Enum to represent all supported VeinMiner tools
- Added a VeinBlock registry method in the VeinMinerManager class to register veinminable blocks
- Removed a few unnecessary methods
- Moved/Created a few packages under the api package for developers​
* Changed the default value of "VeinSize" to 64 (Apparently, I hadn't done that before)
* Restructured the veinminer listener to be ever so slightly more efficient
* Fixed a few typos in the command snytax warnings
* Fixed randomly calling information from the blocklist when unnecessary upon onEnable checks
* As the plugin is enabling, information will now be displayed to inform the user of what the plugin is doing
* Removed "RequiresTool" configuration option as it is now unused
----------, Jun 30, 2016
Resource Information
Total Downloads: 1,011,830
First Release: Sep 9, 2015
Last Update: Nov 9, 2024
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
80 ratings
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