VeinMiner icon

VeinMiner -----

Minecraft Forge's VeinMiner recreated for Spigot servers.

Version: 2.2.4
Excellent Plugin. Constant updates and does what it is supposed to do. Highly recommended

Version: 2.2.4
It does what it says. However, players cannot toggle it off. It will say that veinminer has been toggled off but will still vein mine. It also vein mines whether someone is shifting or not, but I want them to be just shifting to use it. the discord link doesn't work.

Version: 2.2.4
loving the modpack, but i'm having some trouble with the permissions, i tried joining the discord but i don't think the link works...

Version: 2.2.4
Only a 3 star rating at the moment because for the life of me I can't figure out why when chopping trees only the golden axe works. If I use an iron or diamond axe it only brakes 1 block above it and replaces the one I tried to chop, but when using a golden axe all the wood chops.
Version 1.18.2 latest version of veinminer

Version: 2.1.1
Thank you author for your previous response, with the info you provided this is now an easy 10/10 plugin
Author's response

Version: 2.1.1
Great plugin but it would be even better if I could set the MaxVeinSize per tool or maybe the max size takes the tool durability into consideration.

toolDurability > maxVeinSize ? maxVeinSize : toolDurability

In my server we have massive trees that are eseally 2 stacks of wood but this messes up the vein mine for sand and my tools break before all the sand is mined and it just looks weird

Version: 2.1.1
Good plugin idea but doesn't work with latest minecraft version. Seems to be abandoned.
Author's response
? It definitely works on the latest version of Spigot. I've been running it on the latest version since it came out and others have as well. 32% of users are on 1.20.4.

If you're having issues, either join the support Discord or write a message in the discussion thread and see if we can figure it out.

Version: 2.1.1
It is very good and useful especially for survival servers. It also works properly on the latest version.

Version: 2.0.0
Can you turn off durability cost? good plugin.

-Your Review must be atleast 80 characters-

Version: 2.0.0
minecraft 1.19.4 - #540 / veinminer 2.0.1(2.0.0) / minecraft:snow_ball does not work. Is there any way to add a snow ball?
Author's response
There are two options here. Either you want to vein mine snow, in which case the id is minecraft:snow, or you want to allow vein miner with a snowball in hand, in which case the id is minecraft:snowball (without an underscore).

Version: 2.0.0
It would be nice if this plugin worked with plugman

It sounds like a cool plug-in I am testing it out
Author's response
As far as I'm aware, it works perfectly fine with plugman outside of client-sided support (e.g. if players with the client mod are on the server, reloading the plugin will force them to relog in order for it to work). Though these are things I can't fix. Reloading is not officially supported. Sorry

Version: 2.0.0
Nice plugin, I'm already using it on my server.
However, there is no localized translation, so I made one in Chinese, including config.yml and categories.yml. Plus, I'm planning to reprint this plugin and its client mod to a Chinese Minecraft Forum MCBBS (, thus more server may start to use it. I would appreciate it if I can get your permission. :D

Additionally, I think it's better to add built-in localized translations, like many plugins do( lang-xx.yml, translation-xx.yml, etc.)
Author's response
Sure! I've had people ask in the past to publish VeinMiner on MCBBS and I had given them permission. So long as credit is given and a link to the source code on GitHub is provided, I have no issue with this whatsoever.

I want to add translations to pretty much all of my plugins, it's just such an obnoxious task to implement and maintain. I think the hunger message is internationalized, but commands and whatnot need improvement.

Version: 2.0.0
Damn!! One of the greatest updates I've ever witnessed on this platform. I hope you enjoy some good rest after all that work Choco! haha
Author's response
Thank you! Lots of work went into it but I'm glad it's done :) Will rest up!

Version: 1.17.10
Great plugin with amazing customisation options. Would it be/Is it possible to use categories is the config for formatting(like grouping all leaves and then adding the category "leaves" to all tools you want to have the ability to use veinminer for leaves?

Version: 1.17.10
Absolutely amazing plugin when configured correctly. I am using this in conjunction with McMMO, TreeAssist and AutoReplant.

Version: 1.17.10
Love this plugin a lot! Makes time go by soo fast for our players on the server and overall good

Version: 1.17.10
Amazing plugin, does exactly what I needed it to. Any way to make a pickaxe with a special NBT tag in the categories? So it would only allow mining veins for that one custom tool?

Great plugin regardless! Amazing job!
Author's response
That exact feature is planned for the next release, so... not yet, but soon!

Version: 1.17.10
What if he can only be used by specific players? I found that he can be used by all players, and I want to set him up as a server donor's exclusive function
Author's response
This plugin supports permission nodes that are enabled by default. You can negate the permission on the default group and re-add the permission to your donor group. Refer to your permission plugin's documentation on how to negate a permission node.

Version: 1.17.10
update to 1.18.2 pls...........................................................................
Author's response
The plugin works on 1.18.2

Version: 1.17.10
Excellent plugin just want to ask you to move the download to here so we can access is on aternos and stuff

Version: 1.17.10
works bro xD works bro xD works bro xD works bro xD works bro xD works bro xD works bro xD
Author's response

Version: 1.17.10
Really good plugin. I hope you eventually add alternative patterns (like for tunneling) and a way to make it so that veinminer is disabled by default for new players.
Author's response
The first, probably not. I actually intend on removing the concept of patterns entirely at least for the end user. It was mostly a way to switch back to the legacy pattern.

As for disallowing for default user, you can do that by just negating the permission node in the default group. If you mean you want it toggled off by default, sure! That's been a common request and I will look into doing that in the future.

Glad you're enjoying the plugin!

Version: 1.17.9
Works fine, but doesn't subtract any hunger no matter how high the value is set. :(

Version: 1.17.9
Very good, works perfectly in 1.17 with no lag. May I ask, what are the veinminer patterns?
Author's response
Patterns are mostly for developers wanting to write addons. For the every day server owner, the default pattern is the best :) Glad you're enjoying the plugin!

Version: 1.17.9
[19:04:55 ERROR]: Could not pass event BlockBreakEvent to VeinMiner v1.17.9
java.lang.NullPointerException: Cannot invoke "" because "loader.plugin" is null
at ~[patched_1.17.1.jar:git-Paper-95]
at ~[patched_1.17.1.jar:git-Paper-95]
at ~[patched_1.17.1.jar:git-Paper-95]
at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass( ~[?:?]
at wtf.choco.veinminer.integration.WorldGuardIntegration.testFlag( ~[?:?]
at wtf.choco.veinminer.integration.WorldGuardIntegration.queryFlagVeinMiner( ~[?:?]
at wtf.choco.veinminer.listener.BreakBlockListener.onBlockBreak( ~[?:?]
at com.destroystokyo.paper.event.executor.MethodHandleEventExecutor.execute( ~[patched_1.17.1.jar:git-Paper-95]
at co.aikar.timings.TimedEventExecutor.execute( ~[patched_1.17.1.jar:git-Paper-95]
at org.bukkit.plugin.RegisteredListener.callEvent( ~[patched_1.17.1.jar:git-Paper-95]
at org.bukkit.plugin.SimplePluginManager.callEvent( ~[patched_1.17.1.jar:git-Paper-95]
at net.minecraft.server.level.ServerPlayerGameMode.destroyBlock( ~[?:?]
at net.minecraft.server.level.ServerPlayerGameMode.destroyAndAck( ~[?:?]
at net.minecraft.server.level.ServerPlayerGameMode.handleBlockBreakAction( ~[?:?]
at ~[?:?]
at ~[?:?]
at ~[?:?]
at$ensureRunningOnSameThread$1( ~[?:?]
at ~[patched_1.17.1.jar:git-Paper-95]
at net.minecraft.util.thread.BlockableEventLoop.doRunTask( ~[?:?]
at net.minecraft.util.thread.ReentrantBlockableEventLoop.doRunTask( ~[?:?]
at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.doRunTask( ~[patched_1.17.1.jar:git-Paper-95]
at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.shouldRun( ~[patched_1.17.1.jar:git-Paper-95]
at net.minecraft.util.thread.BlockableEventLoop.pollTask( ~[?:?]
at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.pollTaskInternal( ~[patched_1.17.1.jar:git-Paper-95]
at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.pollTask( ~[patched_1.17.1.jar:git-Paper-95]
at net.minecraft.util.thread.BlockableEventLoop.managedBlock( ~[?:?]
at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.waitUntilNextTick( ~[patched_1.17.1.jar:git-Paper-95]
at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.runServer( ~[patched_1.17.1.jar:git-Paper-95]
at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.lambda$spin$0( ~[patched_1.17.1.jar:git-Paper-95]
at [?:?]
Author's response
Always best to send these types of issues either through my Discord or on the GitHub issue tracker. This is caused because you don't have WorldGuard installed, though this should be an optional dependency so I will look to resolve it :) Thanks

Version: 1.17.9
Works great on my paper 1.17 server, and the ability to easily add items to the blocklist through commands is very nice.

Version: 1.17.9
Works great in 1.17 I love it. One of the essentials plugins in my server. Instead of having 3 plugins for harversting, woodcutting and mining, you can have all of these in one.
Author's response
Harvesting and wood cutting seem to be very common uses for VeinMiner and I'm more than okay with that. Helps consolidate the crop harvester and tree feller plugins :)

Version: 1.17.9
And here's a third review. Love this plugin to bits. Brilliant developer, brilliant plugin, brilliant experience.
Author's response
<3 Thank you

Version: 1.17.8
Plugin works great, however be warned, it runs an ad to all the players when they log in which is very annoying.

Version: 1.17.6

Version: 1.17.6
this the best forge mod port plugin ever. It has everything, you can change almost anything u like in the config files.

Version: 1.17.5
Hello I tried for hours to make this work following everything on a blank server and still does not work

Version: 1.17.5
Amazing plugin. Had issues with it that was caused by another plugin but the developer helped me! Best plugin support I've ever seen.
Author's response
Glad I could help! I wish I could have helped a little more efficiently... but we got there in the end! Hope you enjoy the plugin from here on out

Version: 1.17.5
Incredible plugin, works perfectly, and great communication from the developer! Would highly suggest it!!! :D
Author's response
Thanks! That means a lot <3 I look forward to maintaining VeinMiner and appreciate the kind words

Version: 1.17.3
Really Good Plugin! Very similar to the original mod and worked really well for my purposes. I run a spigot server that isn't modded and this plugin allows me to have a very similar experience to the original.
Author's response
Thank you! Best compliment I can get is that the plugin is meeting your expectations for modded Minecraft. Very much appreciated and I hoep you enjoy :)

Version: 1.17.2
Excellent, single plugin that has flawlessly taken the place of a couple other plugins. Notably, woodcutting and crop harvesting.
Author's response
Replacing wood cutting or crop harvesting plugins was never my intention with this plugin but I've found that it does replace them quite well and I'm happy to see people using this plugin for a variety of reason! :D

Version: 1.17.2
I'll add a second 5-star rating to this resource as it is absolutely awesome addition for my friends and I to mine a vein of ores in one go. Makes me fill up my coal chests since it doesn't take a huge chunk out of my time to mine a 16 block vein anymore. The author has even expanded this resource with a fabric mod which I have never seen in a Spigot plugin before. Never had any errors with this plugin and it receives updates at a decent although never annoying rate. Great to come by such brilliant resources on this website! Thank you very much Choco, and I hope you are fairing well in this pandemic.
Author's response
Thank you very much! <3 I'm hoping the Fabric mods gains a bit more traction because it makes this mod a little bit nicer to use with a custom keybind!

I look forward to continuing to update this plugin in the future as I have some plans, especially for the Fabric mod!

Version: 1.17.0
Another sophisticated update as usual. Undeniably good plugin with expected features that works more than flawless. Choco still coming for you :ToadEyes:
Author's response
Thank you :)

Version: 1.16.3
This plugin was quite simple to install, and works pretty much entirely fluidly, indistinguishable from a vanilla feature. Since I didn't see it listed in the description or anything though, I do want to ask if Fortune works with veinmining.
Author's response
Yes! All enchantments work just fine with VeinMiner, including fortune, silk touch and the like :) Happy to hear you're enjoying it!

Version: 1.16.2
Amazing plugin, super customizable, and works like a charm.
If you like vein-mining in modded Minecraft, you'll love it in spigot, paper, or bukkit with this plugin.

Version: 1.16.0
This plugin is one of those little things that adds so much to a server.
Works very efficiently causing zero lag!
Dev is quick to implement fixes and feature requests!
Would rate 10 stars if possible :D
Author's response
I don't know about quick! I waited a long while before I added a couple things :) Thank you though! I appreciate the support a lot!

Version: 1.16.0
Works as intended and has great support. Thanks for making and maintaining the plugin!
Author's response
My pleasure <3 Easily one of my favourite plugins to maintain!

Version: 1.15.1
Fantastic plugin, does the job very well, minimal lag. Suggestion though, perhaps you can make a db to save the /vm toggle, or some other way if you can think of it, as of right now, when you toggle it, then leave, it resets to on :)
Author's response
Thank you! And yes, this has been a long requested feature. As such, it's been added in the latest version!

Version: 1.15.1
Netherite picaxe does not work on 1.16.1 vein miner sadly. please fix this problem and update.
Author's response
This does work! :) Be sure to add them to the categories.yml or using the command from in-game (see the commands section above)

Version: 1.15.1
Hey Choco, thanks a lot for the brilliant resource. Brilliant addition to my survival server. ;)
Author's response
Happy to hear! Thanks for the positive comment :)

Version: 1.15.0
I've used this plugin for 3+ years now, and I've never had any issues. Config is great, anything you could possibly want to configure is there, and the permissions are incredibly simple and useful. Amazing plugin overall.
Author's response
Thank you! I appreciate that a lot :D Happy to hear you’ve been enjoying it for as long as you have!

Version: 1.15.0
This plugin is fantastic. My players love it! I do wish we could add custom keybinds, but I see why you can't. Besides that, this is absolutely fantastic and is a MUST HAVE for any Minecraft Server!
Author's response
Trust me, if I were able to, I would most definitely add keybinds! It's just not something the client sends the server information about. Sorry :( Glad you enjoy the plugin though!

Version: 1.15.0
Great plugin, but the picks no longer work when they get enchanted :< Any way to fix this?
Author's response
This isn't something I had considered. I'll have to try and figure out a workaround for this. Sorry about that! Keep an eye on future releases for a fix!

Version: 1.15.0
Love the plugin, as for me I learned how to make it work as a reward unlike the guy below me smh. Thanks for making this!
Author's response
I think the one below was just letting people know :D Thank you though!

Version: 1.15.0
No hunger feature. Other than that, it’s a great plugin, if not quite cheaty. I’d recommend giving VeinMiner permissions as a reward for ranking up (not donator ranks, though, due to the EULA).
Author's response
Permissions as a reward for ranking up is entirely supported but up to you to configure properly with your permissions plugin. The permissions are supplied (as indicated on the front page), just negate them from the default group and apply to any higher-tier groups.

Version: 1.15.0
Works great on my server! No errors and spam console. Thanks, keep it up!឵឵឵឵឵឵឵឵឵឵឵឵឵឵឵឵឵឵឵឵឵

Version: 1.15.0
Really good plugin. Only problem I'm having is that it doesn't seem to matter what I change the activation method to, it keeps defaulting to SNEAK. It's a minor detail that's greatly overshadowed by the good things this plugin offers plugin.
Author's response
Ah, damn. You're right. The default configuration is actually wrong. The config says "ActivationMode". If you were to change this to "ActivationStrategy", it will work as intended. Sorry about that. I'll fix it in a later version!

Thank you for the kind words :)

Version: 1.14.0
the RepairFriendlyVeinminer setting doesn't seem to work, my tools break even though i have it set to true
other than that it works pretty well, i like it

Version: 1.14.0
Players can still veinmine even if veinminer.veinmine.* is denied in permissions, making the permission useless

I wanted to add this plugin as a reward for ranking up, but after installing it on my server everyone has the ability to veinmine, and there is no way to turn it off for everyone, short of going thru and asking everyone to do /vm toggle.

There should be an option for it to default to off when a player joins, and they have to turn it on for it to work. Like someplugins will turn off /god and /fly when a player leaves the server.

The veinmining works perfectly fine.
Author's response
This is an issue with your permission plugin or how you’re configuring it. You’re the only one of all 16.5k people who’ve downloaded this claiming there’s an issue, so I doubt it’s the fault of the plugin. Seek support in the Discussion thread or my Discord.

Version: 1.14.0
Really love this plugin always one of my top priorities if i was ever to host a private server

Version: 1.14.0
Does exactly what it says it does. You can test it on my server: (1.13.2)

Version: 1.13.3
Awesome. I've used it for a LONG time. Just one problem with it, but this isn't a bug report so still 5 stars: I can add blocks to hands, but when I veinmine them with my hands (with or without an item in the offhand) veinminer does not come into effect.

Version: 1.13.3
Hello, this plugin is amazing but it lags the crap out of my server, it makes my server freeze just by one person using it, is there a fix to this? My server should be capable of handling it as it handles slimefun and a bunch of other stuff.
Author's response
If you have Spigot, I'd be happy to see some timings of your server :) I'm not familiar with any lag in the plugin as I've optimized the living hell out of it. Send me a timings link in the discussion!

Version: 1.13.3
Great plugin! Is it possible to limit certain ores to different permissions? Say coal to default, gold to member, etc?

Version: 1.13.3
This is awesome! My life is better because of this plugin. Now if i can just figure out how to make it work for stone and dirt I can die a happy human.

Version: 1.13.0
download link broken!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Author's response
If you're at all familiar with how my releases work for VeinMiner (because they've been done this way for three years), you'll know that I direct all downloads to BukkitDev which has to manually approve all files. The file will be available for download within a couple of hours.

Be patient. This does not warrant a 1 star review.

Version: 1.12.3
This is amazing! I can't wait for the next update with more blocks supported. Is there anything I can read about how to configure the pattern used when mining?
Author's response
The next update should come either today or tomorrow, but all vanilla blocks should be supported. If you're running a modded server (i.e. Forge), you might as well just use portablejim's VeinMiner Forge mod instead.

As for templates, this is more for developers to write not so much users. I don't personally plan on including any more patterns but if other developers want to write plugins that improve the VeinMiner API, they may use it and they will be shown in the "/veinminer pattern" command to be used by players if they so choose.

Version: 1.12.0
Well done on the 1.13 updates. The players on my server are enjoying the use of this plugin once more. Thank you for your efforts.
Author's response
You're very welcome :D I hope your players enjoy the plugin!

Version: 1.12.0
A very nice and configurable plugin I use on all of my servers. Developer replies very quickly and gives good support. 10/10 Would recommend to anyone!

- Kizburb
Author's response
Happy to help ^-^ Thank you for sticking through the beta builds, much appreciated. Now go enjoy 1.13!

Version: 1.12.0-BETA1
A nice plugin <3 I know a server owner who uses your plugin and I love mining with it! More more of human-made caves! (cc @nicecube)
Author's response
:D Glad you like it and that you've found a server on which you enjoy using it! <3

Version: 1.11.3
all my deoped players can use /veinminer toggle and thats a thing that i dont want adding ranks doesnt help too

So please fix this
Happy day PanGeo_
Author's response

Revoke the permission from your lower groups and add it to your higher groups. This is basic permissions. The permission node is granted by default, much like the veinmine permission is

Version: 1.11.3
Not surprisingly the most amazing human in my life creates the most amazing plugins (totally unbiased) I love the mechanics of this plugin and can see a use for it across many game modes <3 Totally spectacular.

Version: 1.11.3
Thank you very much for passing this mod to plugin, it is my favorites, I thank you
Author's response
Thank you! I'm glad you like it! Just wait until post-Minecraft 1.13 as I have a load of fantastic changes upcoming for this plugin.

Version: 1.11.3
Really good plugin except I would like the ability to disable the autoblock and autosmelt feature & have the ability to change the prefix but so far a great plugin doesn't effect my anticheat or send off false alerts so we're good.
Author's response
I see no reason to change the prefix at all, though I'm not sure what you mean by auto-smelt and auto-block. VeinMiner does not support either of those features. If they are enchantments, that's up to the plugin that adds those enchantments. Glad you're enjoying the plugin!

Version: 1.11.3
I'm SOOOO happy this is available as a plugin, but is there any way I can bind it to a specific key instead of just SNEAK or STAND? My Users are complaining.
Author's response
Unfortunately, due to the limitations of server software, I'm incapable of allowing for custom keybinds. If you're looking for keybinds, see the Forge mod instead. I simply cannot do this for server mods. Sorry :( Glad you like the plugin, however!

Version: 1.11.3
I absolutely love your plugin!

Works beautifully!

One request though, Can you make it so you can vein-mine Granite, Andesite, and Diorite?

Maybe add stone:1, stone:3, stone:5 to the recognizable id's in the config?

They share the same ID as stone, so it doesn't work very well, meaning that it vein mines normal stone as well, and its unpredictable
Author's response
This is supported ^-^ Please review the configuration options. It's been supported for a while now. Glad you enjoy the plugin!

Version: 1.11.1
Perfect perfect perfect! now I know this was never actually in the original mod but maybe we can push updates out adding new features? I have a few:
1. Sound events on break using veinminer
2. Particles on break using veinminer
3. Make it so lower pickaxe types take more durability then higher pickaxe types
4. This is more of a question if fortune and silk touch and unbreaking still work when using vein miner
5. if this is even possible maybe add sword functions like if you hit one zombie it will hit others around you?
Author's response
:D Thank you! Always love seeing some feedback ^-^
1. Could be taken into consideration. Not sure how useful it would be, however
2. See #1
3. That's not a horrible idea. I'll note that one down
4. Absolutely! Enchantments are taken into consideration when vein mining
5. That's added in 1.9+, and it's called a sweep attack ;)

Version: 1.10.9
Loving this plugin, but for some reason I can't get it to work with certain blocks, even though they are definitely on the list, even a couple that are on the list by default! I can't seem to get it to work with ice, packed_ice, leaves, leaves_2, nether_warts, long_grass, yet everything else still works... They're definitely on the list, and I'm definitely using the right tools, so... am I missing something here?
Author's response
For one, I'm glad you enjoy the plugin! Thank you so much! Second, I'll definitely take a look at this! I've never personally had any issues with this, myself, but I'll play around with it :) Have you reloaded the configuration file with "/veinminer reload"?

Thank you for the review and the information! I'll make sure to fix this if I find anything of significance!

Version: 1.10.7
A great app from a wonderful developer! 2008choco does great work. App does what it's intended to, allowing you to mine large veins quickly. Definitely a huge time-saver and a must-have for servers.

Version: 1.10.3
This is awesome. I am just going around my world on my test world playing with it 10/10 Good job. Random
Author's response
Thank you! (This is a late reply, though I never saw this review). I appreciate the support, and I'm glad you enjoy the plugin!

Version: 1.10.1
10/10 worst developer, code is unreliable and unstable. Please delete spigot <3

Jk, Dev is amazing and probably the best dev out there :P

Version: 1.10.1
AAC Fastbreak will anit veinminer,I hope you can fix it
This is a good plugin!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Author's response
That's actually quite surprising. Though the fact that players are breaking blocks in quick succession does make sense now that you mention it.

I will talk to the author of AAC and see if I can work out a fix with him :)

Version: 1.10.1
Very good, my mining skills have improved and so has my love life. Thank you for the help! Will tell my wife.
Author's response
I'm glad I can improve your love life with this plugin! Tell your wife I said hello! :P

Version: 1.10.1
This plugin is AWESOME!
The dev helped me out very quickly I ask him a question and 2 hours later I had a response.
Me and my players really love the plugin!
Awesome DEV keep it up!
Author's response
Thank you very much :D I'm glad I could help and I'm happy your players like the plugin! Enjoy

Version: 1.8.2
Can you make it so you can use vein mine only when holding a specific pickaxe? :) Btw awesome plugin!
Author's response
Unless I were to rewrite a lot of the plugin, I'm not sure this is possible. Permission nodes are however available.

This plugin is mostly aimed towards survival-based servers rather than (What I can assume you run), prison servers

Version: 1.8.1
Excellent author response. Now that different block types can be mined (like granite) I'm giving this a full 5 stars.
Author's response
<3 Thank you ;3 I appreciate the review

Version: 1.5.2
Really good plugin, well worth the download.
Just a feature of it hooking into McMMo would be amazing, if that's possible :)
Author's response
Hmmm, hooking it in to McMMO mining? That's actually not a bad idea at all. I'll look into it :D Glad you like the plugin

Version: 1.5.2
Does just what it says. 4 stars because I can't allow for mining of sub blocks (e.g., just granite instead of all types of stone).
Author's response
That's actually something I had not considered. I'll get working on that :D
Thanks for the review <3

Version: 1.5.1
We can get infinite ore with Fortune pickaxes.
(I'm writing this because i need to write enough to post my Rate)
Author's response
:P A private message or a ticket would have been sufficient rather than a 1star.
I'll get to work on it right now. I didn't realize this was an issue o:

EDIT: This has been fixed. Download 1.5.2

Version: 1.4.0
Yet again another great plugin for an amazing Developer! Like I said on your "LockSecurity" plugin, it needs a lang file. Just make a lang file in every single one of your plugins and you'll be gold :)
Author's response
I plan on it ;P AlchemicalArrows needs one as well

Version: 1.4.0
Great plugin, very handy for mining. It is easier to use than the VeinPickaxe. My players have liked this plugin.
Author's response
Thank you :D I appreciate the review. ^-^ Means a lot
I love this plugin a lot, and I have a lot more to do with this as well

Resource Information
Total Downloads: 1,047,280
First Release: Sep 9, 2015
Last Update: Nov 9, 2024
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
80 ratings
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Version -----
Released: --------------------
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