Fixed: reload and disable issues
Fixed: dupe bug from fast claiming
Changed: Use PersistentDataContainer for item matching
Changed: Refactor logic to use central Flare class
Changed: Move spawning logic out of listener class
Please use the legacy jar for versions below 1.21, and use the normal jar for version 1.21 and above!
Warning: THIS WILL BE THE LAST VERSION WITH 1.20 AND BELOW SUPPORT. Spigot has decided to make InventoryView an Interface instead of a Class, meaning that any plugin made for version 1.21 and above will break when loading for ANY plugin that has to deal with inventories below 1.21. This makes it way more troublesome for me to compile the plugin, so I'll be dropping support for lower versions. If you have issues with that please take it up with the spigot dev team, I have no power to stop this myself.
The next update will focus on readding Envoy functionality now that the codebase is at a generally stable and cleaned up state