Modified the function of the command "/bank take <amount>", now the player receives (<amount> - interest) and the bank is removed <amount>
Modified the function of the command "/bank take mid", now "mid" is (bankBalance / 2)
Modified the function of the command "/bank add mid", now "mid" is (bankBalance / 2)
Modified the function of the command "/bank set <player> bal mid", now "mid" is (bankBalance / 2)
Modified the command "/bank set <player> level mid", now it is "/bank set <player> level midmax"
Added new command command "/bank take midmax", "midmax" is (maxStorage / 2)
Added new command command "/bank add midmax", "midmax" is (maxStorage / 2)
Removed command "/bank lvl"
Removed command "/bank set <player> lvl"
Removed command "/bank max lvl"
Removed message (bank.take.interestsWithdrawExceeds), now it is no longer useful
Some messages have been modified or added to language file, please modify and add them manually or rename or delete the current language file and restart the server to generate a new language file