AntiSpam [1.17-1.21] icon

AntiSpam [1.17-1.21] -----

Plugin that prevents spammers from spamming in the chat on your server.

AntiSpam is a plugin that prevents players from spamming in the chat by allowing you to set a delay between messages in the config.yml. For example, a player will only be able to send a message every 3 seconds and won't be able to send the same message twice in a row. You can also list words that the plugin will block, and it will notify the player that their message contains a blocked word.

If you are updating from an older version to a newer one, please check that you have all necessary items in 'config.yml' and all language files. You can find everything listed below.

antispam1.png antispam2.png antispam3.png
discord (1).png

Code (Text):

# --------------------------------------------
#          AntiSpam
# Thank you for downloading this plugin
# don't forget to leave a review
# if you have a suggestion for what could
# be added, write it to me on discord
# Plugin Developer: Kijler
# Discord Support:
# My other plugins:
# AdvancedRedeem:
# WebClicker:
# CustomHelp:
# --------------------------------------------

# In the languages folder, there are 3 language files named Locale_XYZ.yml.
# To switch to one of these languages, replace EN with one of the following languages
# CZ - Czech, DE - German, EN - English. To create a custom language, simply modify one of
# the provided files.
language: EN

# Setting this to 'true' will enable the blocking of sending identical messages in a row.
# Setting it to 'false' will disable this feature.
block-repeated-messages: true

# Here you can set the chat cooldown, specifying the number of seconds a player must wait
# before sending another message.
delay: 3

# Setting this to 'true' will enable the blocking of sending identical characters in a row
# within a single message. Setting it to 'false' will disable this feature.
block-repeated-characters: true
# Here you can set how many identical characters a player can send in a row within a single message.
max-repeating-characters: 3

# Here you can add blocked words that players will not be able to use in chat.
  - "badword1"
  - "badword2"
Code (Text):

prefix: "§6AntiSpam §8» "
blocked-word-message: "§7Your message contains a blocked word."
reload-message: "§7Plugin reloaded successfully."
wait-message: "§7You need to wait §6%remaining_time% §7seconds before sending another message."
repeat-message: "§7Do not send the same message twice in a row."
no-permission-message: "§cYou do not have permission to use this command."
repeat-character-message: "§7Your message contains too many repeating characters."
Code (Text):

prefix: "§6AntiSpam §8» "
blocked-word-message: "§7Vaše zpráva obsahuje blokované slovo."
reload-message: "§aPlugin byl úspěšně znovu načten."
wait-message: "§7Musíte počkat §6%remaining_time% §7sekundy před odesláním další zprávy."
repeat-message: "§7Neposílejte stejnou zprávu dvakrát za sebou."
no-permission-message: "§cNemáte oprávnění k použití tohoto příkazu."
repeat-character-message: "§7Vaše zpráva obsahuje příliš mnoho opakujících se znaků."
Code (Text):

prefix: "§6AntiSpam §8» "
blocked-word-message: "§7Ihre Nachricht enthält ein blockiertes Wort."
reload-message: "§7Plugin wurde erfolgreich neu geladen."
wait-message: "§7Sie müssen noch §6%remaining_time% §7Sekunden warten, bevor Sie eine weitere Nachricht senden können."
repeat-message: "§7Senden Sie nicht zweimal hintereinander die gleiche Nachricht."
no-permission-message: "§cSie haben keine Berechtigung, diesen Befehl zu verwenden."
repeat-character-message: "§7Ihre Nachricht enthält zu viele wiederholte Zeichen."
Administrative commands
/antispam reload
- Reloads the plugin when needed after changing the config.yml

Administrative permissions
antispam.bypass - Anyone with this permission is immune to AntiSpam
antispam.reload - Allows reloading the plugin using /antispam reload
antispam.notify - To obtain information about new updates

By downloading this file, you agree not to resell the plugin or present it as your own product.

Please do not use reviews to report any bugs please report any bugs directly on my Discord server.

I'll appreciate positive reviews so I know to keep going.

If you have any ideas for additions, please write to me on the Discord server.
Resource Information
Total Downloads: 1,130
First Release: Aug 7, 2024
Last Update: Jan 22, 2025
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
6 ratings
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Version -----
Released: --------------------
Downloads: ------
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