Hi there, this update brings some cool features:
- Now when you enter the range in which the mobs are allowed to wander, the action bar messages will change in order to bring more useful info to the player
- If enable-mob-tracker is true, a random mob's position will be pointed out to the player so that the mobs can no longer hide in caves and never be found
- If it is false, it will tell the player how many mobs there are remaining
- If all mobs are dead, the message will tell the player that he can finally open the treasure
- Of course, all messages are configurable in messages.yml
- Added treasure 'alias' to anticipate the addition of multiple treasures per world. Now in each treasure's configuration section, you will find the 'treasure-name' string which you can use in your messages with the {alias} placeholder. Works only where the {world} placeholder works too.
- Added bStats so I can see some metrics about the plugin. Of course, you can opt out of sending basic usage data, by setting bstats to false in the config.yml