- All saved displays will now have one or many "owners," a list of players that can edit the display. If a display's owner list is empty, it has the same behavior as before this update, and no restrictions will apply per-player, effectively making it public. The permissions for which edits or commands (if any) a player is allowed to do will still depend on their permissions, same as before this update. Whenever a player does /d save, /d schem load, etc., it will automatically assign them as the owner of the display.
- Added the permission
dexterity.select.unowned to allow an admin/staff to edit a display without needing to be on its owner list.
- Added the command
/d owner, with alias
/d owners, to view and modify the owner list of a display.
- Fixed a small bug where particular language file entries were missing
- Added a custom event:
SessionSelectionChangeEvent. This is a simple event that is called when a player purposely changes their selection, such as by clicking with the wand or doing /d sel, /d clear, etc. This event does not cover more advanced cases where the selection might change, such as for /d undo.
This update adds the following to the default language file:
Code (Text):
owner-list-header: "&^&lDisplay owners list: &**Page &**&l%page%&**/%maxpage%"
info-format: "&^Selected &*%count%&^ block displays in &*%world%"
info-format-saved: "&^Selected &*%count%&^ block displays in &*%world%&^ labelled &*%label%"
player-not-found: "&4Error: &cCould not find player %player%!"
owner-add-success: "&^Added &*%player%&^ as an owner of this display!"
owner-remove-success: "&*%player%&^ is no longer an owner of this display!"
owner-remove-success-warning: "&6Warning: &eThis display is now public, anyone can edit!"
owner-description: "Edit the display's owner list"
seat-description: "Toggle ability to click to sit"
owner-add-usage: "/d owner add <player>"
owner-remove-usage: "/d owner remove <player>"