Bodies icon

Bodies -----

Adds bodies on death, containing the player's items. Includes stealing, trusting, and zombies.

Creates bodies on death, able to be claimed without item despawning. Players can control who is allowed to claim their body, unless stealing is enabled.

Bodies have a chance to turn into a zombie on death, based on the world difficulty (defined in the config), which must be killed before reverting to a body. Zombies never spawn if the player died in creative, or if the person claiming the body is in creative.

Bodies and zombies both glow when you get within a radius (defined in the config) in order to better locate them.

/bodies help - show help message
/bodies trust <player> - trust a player to access your body
/bodies untrust <player> - untrust a player from accessing your body
/bodies priority <body/player> - set whether to maintain the original body's inventory order or your current inventory order
/bodies list - list your bodies, ordered by timestamp
/bodies info <id> - get more info about a specific body

Admin commands:
/bodies list [player] - list a player's bodies
/bodies info <player> <id> - get info about a player's body
/bodies claim <player> <id> [recipient] - remotely claim a body, with no chance of a zombie
Resource Information
Total Downloads: 96
First Release: Jul 30, 2024
Last Update: Jul 30, 2024
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
0 ratings
Version -----
Released: --------------------
Downloads: ------
Version Rating:
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