Advanced InvSee++ [Skript] icon

Advanced InvSee++ [Skript] -----

Adds an advanced InvSee to your server!

Version: 1.0
No one likes deleted stuff. Also buggy. Heres the intire code: on inventory click:
name of player's inventory contains "&3Inventory of":
player's cursor slot is set:
cancel event if name of event-item contains "&cNone"
stop if name of event-item contains "&cNone"
{inventorychanging::%player's uuid%} is not true:
event-slot is between 0 and 35:
cancel event
else if event-slot is between 45 and 49:
cancel event
event-item is not red stained glass pane named "&7 ":
event-slot is between 0 and 35:
wait 1 tick
set {_e} to index of event-slot
event-slot is between 0 and 8:
loop slot (integers between 0 and 8) of player's top inventory:
set slot {_e} of {viewing::%player's uuid%}'s inventory to item in event-slot
event-slot is between 9 and 17:
loop slot (integers between 9 and 17) of player's top inventory:
set slot {_e}+18 of {viewing::%player's uuid%}'s inventory to item in event-slot
event-slot is between 18 and 26:
loop slot (integers between 18 and 26) of player's top inventory:
set slot {_e}-0 of {viewing::%player's uuid%}'s inventory to item in event-slot
event-slot is between 27 and 35:
loop slot (integers between 27 and 35) of player's top inventory:
set slot {_e}-18 of {viewing::%player's uuid%}'s inventory to item in event-slot
event-slot is between 45 and 49:
wait 1 tick
event-slot is 45:
set tool of {viewing::%player's uuid%} to item in event-slot
event-slot is 46:
set helmet of {viewing::%player's uuid%} to item in event-slot
event-slot is 47:
set chestplate of {viewing::%player's uuid%} to item in event-slot
event-slot is 48:
set leggings of {viewing::%player's uuid%} to item in event-slot
event-slot is 49:
set boots of {viewing::%player's uuid%} to item in event-slot
event-slot is 51:
cancel event
open {viewing::%player's uuid%}'s ender chest to player
wait 5 ticks
if slot 26 of player's top inventory is air:
set slot 26 of player's top inventory to structure void named "&aReturn" with lore "&7Click to return to the inventory see GUI!"
event-slot is 52:
cancel event
event-slot is 53:
cancel event
if {inventorychanging::%player's uuid%} is true:
set {inventorychanging::%player's uuid%} to false
set slot 53 of player's top inventory to black candle named "<##4B484B>Toggle Inventory Changing <##898789>&o(%{inventorychanging::%player's uuid%}%)" with lore "&7&oIf disabled, you clicking items will not%nl%&7&ochange the player's inventory."
invsee(player, {viewing::%player's uuid%})
set {inventorychanging::%player's uuid%} to true
set slot 53 of player's top inventory to black candle named "<##4B484B>Toggle Inventory Changing <##898789>&o(%{inventorychanging::%player's uuid%}%)" with lore "&7&oIf disabled, you clicking items will not%nl%&7&ochange the player's inventory."
invsee(player, {viewing::%player's uuid%})
cancel event

on inventory click:
lore of event-item is "&7Click to return to the inventory see GUI!":
invsee(player, {viewing::%player's uuid%})

on inventory click:
loop all players where [name of input's top inventory contains "&3Inventory of &a%player%"]:
wait 1 tick
invsee(loop-player, player) if name of loop-player != name of player

function invsee(p: player, a: player):
set {inventorychanging::%{_p}'s uuid%} to true if {inventorychanging::%{_p}'s uuid%} is not set
set {_s} to chest inventory with 6 rows named "&3Inventory of &a%{_a}% &8(Editing: %{inventorychanging::%{_p}'s uuid%}%)"
set {_n} to 0
set {_n1} to 0
loop 9 times:
set slot {_n1} of {_s} to slot {_n} of {_a}'s inventory
add 1 to {_n} and {_n1}
loop 9 times:
set slot {_n1} of {_s} to slot {_n}+18 of {_a}'s inventory
add 1 to {_n} and {_n1}
loop 9 times:
set slot {_n1} of {_s} to slot {_n}-0 of {_a}'s inventory
add 1 to {_n} and {_n1}
loop 9 times:
set slot {_n1} of {_s} to slot {_n}-18 of {_a}'s inventory
add 1 to {_n} and {_n1}
set slot (integers between 36 and 44) of {_s} to red stained glass pane named "&7 "
set slot 50 of {_s} to red stained glass pane named "&7 "
set slot 45 of {_s} to {_a}'s tool
set slot 46 of {_s} to {_a}'s helmet
set slot 47 of {_s} to {_a}'s chestplate
set slot 48 of {_s} to {_a}'s leggings
set slot 49 of {_s} to {_a}'s boots
set slot 51 of {_s} to ender chest named "&eEnder chest of %{_a}%"
set {_h} to book named "&7 " with lore "&4Health&f: &c%health of {_a}%%nl%<##7B3F00>Hunger&f: <##BF6608>%food level of {_a}%"
add "<##0C9632>Levels&f: <##09DA42>%{_a}'s level%" to lore of {_h}
add "<##D0DF2F>Location&f: &e%x-coordinate of {_a}%, %y-coordinate of {_a}%, %z-coordinate of {_a}% in world %world of {_a}%" to lore of {_h}
add "<##8A107D>Potion Effects&f: <##EC1ED6>%potion effects of {_a}%%nl%&7 " to lore of {_h}
set slot 52 of {_s} to {_h}
set slot 53 of {_s} to black candle named "<##4B484B>Toggle Inventory Changing <##898789>&o(%{inventorychanging::%{_p}'s uuid%}%)" with lore "&7&oIf disabled, you clicking items will not%nl%&7&ochange the player's inventory."
set {viewing::%{_p}'s uuid%} to {_a}
open {_s} to {_p}

command /invsee [<offline player>]:
permission: staff.invsee.use
permission message: &cUnknown or incomplete command, see below for error%nl%&c&ninvsee&c<--&c&o[HERE]
invsee(player, arg-1)
set {viewing::%player's uuid%} to arg-1

Resource Information
Total Downloads: 102
First Release: Jul 29, 2024
Last Update: Jul 29, 2024
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
1 ratings
Version -----
Released: --------------------
Downloads: ------
Version Rating:
-- ratings