Changelog for CommandAPI Version 1.5.1 Release Date: September 17, 2024
New Features
Command Completion with /plugin-name:command Format:
Added support for command completion when prefixed with the plugin name (e.g., /plugin-name:command). This improves compatibility in environments where multiple plugins might use similar commands.
Command Execution with /plugin-name:command Format:
Commands can now be executed using the full /plugin-name:command format, ensuring the correct command is used even when multiple plugins share identical command names.
New setDebug() Method:
Introduced the setDebug() method, allowing developers to control the display of debug information in the console. This provides better control over the verbosity of debug logs, making it easier to troubleshoot during development without cluttering production logs.
Enhanced Compatibility with Multi-Command Environments:
This version improves the handling of commands shared between multiple plugins, allowing users to explicitly specify the plugin during both command completion and execution.
Upgrade Notes
No major changes are expected for existing projects, but users are encouraged to test the new prefixed command syntax for better command handling in multi-plugin environments.
The setDebug() method is optional but can be useful for adjusting the level of debug information displayed in the console.
This update focuses on functional improvements and developer flexibility, making CommandAPI more adaptable to complex environments and easier to customize for debugging and troubleshooting.