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Tradeflux -----

Reduce villager brain usage.

A simple villager brain management plugin with a simple and easy to understand config file.

Tradeflux checks all villagers around every player on the server every minute, by default, then makes them unaware if they meet the following criteria:
- if a player is near a villager,
- if the villager has a job,
- and if the villager has a job site.

Tradeflux also restocks all villagers, by default, every five minutes if they meet the following criteria:
- if a player is near a villager
- if the villager has a job
- if the villager's job site exists
- and if the villager is unaware (disabled).

The only commands added by this plugin are:
- /tradefluxreload (aliases /tfr and /tfreload) with the permission node tradeflux.reload. This command reloads changes from the config (duh).

- /tradefluxenableallvillagers (aliases /tfeav and /tfeavillagers) with the permission node tradeflux.enableallvillagers. This command should only be used in the event of the plugin suddenly not re-enabling villagers.

- /tradefluxdisableallvillagers (aliases /tfdav and /tfdavillagers) with the permission node tradeflux.disableallvillagers. This command is a special-case command where you quickly need to disable all villagers for whatever reason.

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Resource Information
Total Downloads: 123
First Release: Jul 23, 2024
Last Update: Feb 1, 2025
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
1 ratings
Version -----
Released: --------------------
Downloads: ------
Version Rating:
-- ratings