ChunkManager icon

ChunkManager -----

Optimizes chunk loading to reduce server lag.

ChunkManager helps reduce lag by optimizing chunk loading and unloading. It dynamically adjusts the chunk loading radius, caches recently unloaded chunks, and monitors server performance to ensure smooth gameplay. Additionally, it offers advanced commands for chunk optimization, garbage collection to help maintain server performance.​

/chunkstatus - Display current chunk management status.
/chunkreload - Reload the plugin configuration.
/optimizechunks - Optimize loaded chunks.
/chunkgc - Trigger garbage collection.
/chunksummary - Generate a detailed chunk summary.
/maintenance – Enables or disables Maintenance Mode, or checks its status.

chunkmanager.admin - Allows access to all ChunkManager commands.

How It Works:
  • Dynamic Chunk Loading Radius: Adjusts based on server load to minimize unnecessary resource usage.​
  • Advanced Chunk Caching: Temporarily caches recently unloaded chunks for quick reloading, reducing memory churn.​
  • Performance Monitoring: Continuously monitors server performance and adjusts settings in real-time to maintain optimal TPS and memory usage.​
  • Chunk Optimization: Unloads chunks farthest from players to optimize performance.​
  • Garbage Collection: Triggers garbage collection to free up memory.​
  • Chunk Summary: Provides a detailed summary of loaded chunks, entities, and tile entities for each world.​
  • Configurable Settings: Easily adjust plugin settings via the config.yml file for tailored performance management.

Code (YAML):

# ChunkManager Configuration

# Radius of chunks around the player to preload
: 3

# Cache expiration time in milliseconds
: 30000

# Maximum number of chunks to load per tick
: 5

# Maximum size of the chunk cache
: 100

# Logging level

# Language setting
: en # Supported languages: en, es, fr, zh

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Resource Information
Total Downloads: 873
First Release: Jul 20, 2024
Last Update: Jan 28, 2025
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
5 ratings
Version -----
Released: --------------------
Downloads: ------
Version Rating:
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