Update suggestion: Delete the Messages.yml, Items.yml files, and all files in the JSONComponents folder, and wait for the plugin to reload before regenerate. Update log:
[Optimized] Significantly optimized the plugin's resource system:
The plugin will no longer come with a list of item display names (Items.yml), but will manually use commands to download relevant language files.
The plugin will not generate all languages option by default in Messages.yml and other language files, and will only generate corresponding languages and options in the configuration file when you set it as the target language.
[Added] Added command "/lce tools". It provide editing assistance or special tools and more will continue to be added in the future.
[Added] Added command "/lce tools updateItemDisplayName". Used to download the display names of all items in the specified language from MojangAPI.
[Added] Added permission prompt function for command aliases. When the command targeted by the command alias used by the player does not have permission, a prompt will be sent to the player.
[Change] Starting from this version, the list of items used in Items.yml will be controlled by the "Item-Display-Language-Path" option in Config.yml, instead of being uniformly controlled by the "Language" option.
[Fixed] Fixed a bug where the language selected in the default configuration file for the English version was Simplified Chinese.
[Fixed] Fixed a bug in version 1.21.1 where the server threw an error when enabling plugins.