Customize the player online amount on MOTD and pings everywhere (such as 3rd website) with plugin's powerful rules.
Plugin provide the following rules:
- Custom: Simply a math expression.
- Random: Random number between two values
- Timed: Setup a peak time and valley time which has most and least player
- Random-Timed: Add some randomness to Timed
Powerful Math Expression:
- + - * /
- MIN(a,b) MAX(a,b) SQRT
- Any expression that EvalEx supports !
- Use real %online% and %max% in expressions
Discord Support :
This plugin is only for fun or server event which needs a Customized Online Amount. You should not use this plugin for SHAMPAIGN !
By using my plugin or view my code, you agree not to sell my code and plugin, or claim they are yours.
Get support at Discord Server above or Github Issues.
No support will be provided in reviews and discussions! Thank you.