SunSpawn is a powerful Minecraft plugin designed for Spigot servers (version 1.16.5). It provides easy and customizable commands to set and teleport to a spawn point with additional unique features to enhance gameplay.
Set Spawn Point: Use /setspawn to set the spawn location.
Teleport to Spawn: Use /spawn to teleport to the set spawn location.
Configurable Messages: All messages are configurable via the plugin's configuration file.
Delay Before Teleport: Configurable delay before teleportation to the spawn point.
Movement Check: If the player moves during the teleport delay, the teleportation is canceled.
Return to Spawn on Death: Players will respawn at the spawn location upon death, even if they die in another world.
Reload Configuration: Use /sunspawn reload to reload the configuration without restarting the server.
/spawn: Teleports the player to the spawn location.
Permissions: None
/setspawn: Sets the current location as the spawn point.
Permissions: sunspawn.setspawn
/sunspawn reload: Reloads the plugin configuration.
Permissions: sunspawn.reloadconfig
Configuration File (config.yml):
Code (YAML):
world: world
x: 0.0
y: 64.0
z: 0.0
yaw: 0.0
pitch: 0.0
spawn_delay: 5
# Delay in seconds, set to 0 to disable delay return_to_spawn_on_death: true
# Set to false to disable returning to spawn on death cancel_teleport_on_move: true
# Set to false to allow movement during teleport delay messages:
spawn_delay_start: "&eTeleporting to spawn in &a{seconds} seconds&e..." spawn_teleport: "&aYou have been teleported to the spawn point!" spawn_cancelled: "&cTeleportation cancelled because you moved!" spawn_set: "&aSpawn point has been set!" spawn_not_set: "&cSpawn point is not set yet!" no_permission: "&cYou don't have permission to use this command!" config_reloaded: "&aConfiguration reloaded successfully!"