AntiBaritoneX | 1.7-1.21 | Destroy Baritone Hacks icon

AntiBaritoneX | 1.7-1.21 | Destroy Baritone Hacks -----

Anticheat, Baritone

Version: 1.1
лучше чем SpartanAc который кодил криворукий бомж но то же днище venom happy thanksgiving

Version: 1.1
It’s a good plugin, and it really sees the player with a baritone, but for me it takes too long to detect this, and it also doesn’t have more settings, such as reloading the plugin with a command, or adding several commands to punish the player. It also does not detect #tunnel #farm #click, but this is still probably ahead, there will be an update when it happens)

But it also falsely detects players who are swimming and sailing on a boat without any cheats... This is no good.

Version: 1.1
A really good plugin that helps identify and punish players using Baritone. Tests were carried out and the plugin really worked.

Version: 1.1
This is a great plugin from a cool dev. 5/5 starts. I literally have nothing more to say.

Version: 1.1
Keep it up Chief! Great plugin you got going on here. Does what it says and I hope for more in the future.

Resource Information
Total Downloads: 195
First Release: Jul 10, 2024
Last Update: Jul 11, 2024
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
5 ratings
Version -----
Released: --------------------
Downloads: ------
Version Rating:
-- ratings