LodestoneHomes icon

LodestoneHomes -----

A Minecraft plugin that lets players set and manage homes using lodestones.

LodestoneHomes by NootherG


LodestoneHomes is a Minecraft plugin that allows players to set and manage homes using Lodestones and compasses. This plugin provides an intuitive way to handle player homes with a variety of commands and features meant for a small and fun vanilla tweak.

  • Set Homes: Players can set their home locations by right-clicking on a Lodestone with the compass given to them from the sethome command.
  • Teleport to Homes: Players can teleport to their set homes using a simple command.
  • Manage Homes: Players can remove homes and list all their set homes.
  • Admin Commands: Admins can view the coordinates of homes set by any player.

Player Commands
  • /sethome <homename>
    • Description: Starts the process of setting a home. The player must right-click a Lodestone with the given compass to complete the home setting.
    • Usage: /sethome <homename>
  • /home <homename>
    • Description: Teleports the player to their specified home.
    • Usage: /home <homename>
  • /removehome <homename>
    • Description: Removes the specified home.
    • Usage: /removehome <homename>
  • /listhomes
    • Description: Lists all homes set by the player.
    • Usage: /listhomes
Admin Commands
  • /showhomelocations <player>
    • Description: Displays the coordinates of all homes set by the specified player.
    • Usage: /showhomelocations <player>
    • Permission: LodestoneHomes.admin
  • LodestoneHomes.admin
    • Description: Allows the use of admin commands.
    • Default: op

The plugin provides a configuration file to change the maximum number of homes a player can set.
  • max-homes: (the default is 1)
Useful Fixes
  • Home is removed if the lodestone that the player has used to set their home is destroyed in any way.
  • Players have to set their home with the compass given to them through the /sethome command in order to set another one. This prevents players from getting infinite compasses by spamming the command over and over.
  • Each compass has a unique ID bond with the player, meaning if a player uses the /sethome command and throws the compass they receive to another player, that player cannot right click a lodestone to set their home. This prevents exceeding the home limit and the ability to just rename a compass to the correct meta data then using that compass to try and set a home.
  • Once the compass has been used to set a player's home, the compass is removed from their inventory so they do not receive a free compass.
  • If a player's inventory if full when running the /sethome command, meaning they cannot receive a compass, the player is prevented from setting their home until they clear a spot in their inventory for the compass.
  1. Download the plugin .jar file.
  2. Place the .jar file in your server's plugins directory.
  3. Start or restart your server to generate the configuration file.
  4. Edit the config.yml if needed to set the maximum number of homes.
  5. Reload or restart the server to apply any configuration changes.
  • If you need any assistance or would like to request features to be added, please use this resource and I will get back to you through the discussions page attached to this resource.
  • Note: Only tested on the newest pre-release of PaperMC.
Resource Information
Total Downloads: 227
First Release: Jul 9, 2024
Last Update: Jul 11, 2024
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
2 ratings
Version -----
Released: --------------------
Downloads: ------
Version Rating:
-- ratings