CommandUtils icon

CommandUtils -----

Provides a multitude of commands and placeholders for server owners.

This plugin is essentially a library for server owners to better other plugins. Includes a multitude of commands and placeholders that can be ran anywhere.

Available Commands:
/blockcycle {oxidize/wax} {world} {location (x y z)}
/blockgravity {world} {location} {gravity enabled}
/bonemealblock {location} {world} {amount} {radius} {affects target block}
/breakandreplant {location} {world} {player}
/breakinfacing {location} {world} {player} {radius} {depth} {whitelisted blocks} {blacklisted blocks}
/breakinradius {location} {world} {player} {radius} {depth} {whitelisted blocks} {blacklisted blocks}
/breakinxyz {location} {world} {player} {radius} {depth} {whitelisted blocks} {blacklisted blocks}
/cobwebprison {location} {world} {player} {radius} {height} - requires ExecutableItems plugin
/highlightblocks {location} {world} {radius} {block}
/itemattribute {add/remove/set} {player} {item slot} {attribute} {value} {operation} {equipment slot}
/removeitemsetvariable {player} {material} {max amount} {commands}
/runcommandlater {player} {ticks} {command}
/sendbossbar {player} {bossbar id} {bossbar color} {bossbar progress} {ticks to show} {bossbar content}
/sendmessage {player} {message}
/setitem {player} {slot} {item}
/setitemnbt {player} {slot} {namespace} {key} {content}
/spawnodamagefirework {location} {ticks to detonate} {no damage player}
/waterlogblock {location} {world} {waterlogged state} {radius}
/weightedrandom {args}
/while {player} {compare 1} {compare method} {compare 2} {initial delay} {interval} {commands}

I rarely update this page or provide support on SpigotMC. Please use discord for inquiries. My main server can be found here and my username is dunescifye
Resource Information
Total Downloads: 172
First Release: Jul 1, 2024
Last Update: Feb 16, 2025
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
0 ratings
Version -----
Released: --------------------
Downloads: ------
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