It's a really simple plugin to increase game difficulty banning players when they die. You can customize the messages, ban duration, etc.
You can also add lives, that means how many times a player has to die to getting banned, the amount can be configured.
Players can check their reaming lifes with the command "/lives" or "/lives <user>".
Players can check their kills with the command "/kills" or "/kills <user>" to check other player kills
Also, there's a deaths counter, players can check how many times they died by executing "/deaths" or "/deaths <user>"-
There's some admin commands: - /sks reload (reloads the deaths/lives database and the config) - /sks lifes add/remove <user> <amount> (add or remove a specific amount of lives to a player) - /sks lifeall add/remove <amount> (add or remove specific amount of lifes to everyone)
Also you can DM me in Discord: mixi_ofc
The plugin was tested in Minecraft 1.20.4 and 1.16.5, it's supposed to work even with 1.8