Enchantment Scrolls Plugin icon

Enchantment Scrolls Plugin -----

Enhance Your Minecraft Experience with Custom Enchantment Scrolls!

  1. 增強玩家體驗
    • 附魔捲軸機制:與傳統的附魔方式不同,我們的插件引入了附魔捲軸的概念。
    • 成功與失敗機率:附魔捲軸使用時會有成功與失敗的機率,成功時物品獲得附魔,失敗則物品變成灰燼,增加了遊戲的隨機性和接觸性。
  2. 高可自訂性
    • 配置成功機率:您根據伺服器的需求,可以自由設定風扇附加模組的成功機率,確保遊戲平衡。
    • 允許物品和附加魔:透過簡單的物品配置文件,您可以設定哪些物品可以被附加魔,以及哪些附加魔可以評估這些,滿足不同的遊戲需求。
  3. 強化管理控制
    • 禁止鐵砧和附魔台:插件禁止了玩家在鐵砧和附魔台中進行附魔,確保所有附魔行為都透過插件控制,避免不受控制的強力附魔,提升遊戲的公平性。
    • 自訂訊息:您可以自訂玩家在使用附魔捲軸時顯示的訊息,並添加顏色代碼,讓遊戲介面更加美觀有趣。
  4. 簡單易用
    • 設定檔簡單明了:外掛程式的設定檔設計簡單,易於設定和修改,您只需修改少量配置即可滿足各種需求。
    • 詳細的自訂訊息功能:透過message.yml文件,您可以自訂所有顯示給玩家的訊息,包括成功、失敗和禁止行為等。
  • 自訂附魔捲軸:透過使用捲軸進行附魔,為遊戲增加更多的隨機性和挑戰。
  • 設定成功率:讓您可以根據需求設定端點附魔的成功率。
  • 允許物品和附魔:可以設置哪些物品物品可以被附魔,以及哪些附魔可以評估這些。
  • 禁止鐵砧和附魔台:確保所有附魔行為都透過插件控制。
  • 自訂訊息:支援自訂顯示給玩家的訊息,並新增顏色代碼。
  1. 下載並安裝插件
    • 將編譯好的插件jar檔放入伺服器的插件目錄中。
  2. 配置插件
    • 啟動伺服器後,將自動產生 config.yml 和 message.yml 檔案。

    • 開啟config.yml文件,根據需要設定成功率和允許的項目/附魔組合:

      效率:0.6 # 效率
      UNBREAKING: 0.8 # 耐久

      DIAMOND_SWORD: # 鑽石劍
      - 銳度#鋒利
      - UNBREAKING # 耐久

    • 開啟message.yml文件,自訂訊息和外部:

      prefix: "&7[&aEnchantment&7] " # 外部訊息

      success: "&a附魔成功!"
      not_allowed_item: "&c這個物品不能附魔!"
      not_allowed_enchantment: "&c這個物品不能附加這種附魔!"
      anvil_enchant: "&c在鐵砧中附魔被禁止!"
      table_enchant: "&c使用附魔台被禁止!"
  3. 重啟伺服器
    • 確認所有配置已正確設置,重啟伺服器使配置生效。
  4. 監控與維護

    • 定期檢查伺服器日誌,觀察插件的運作情況,確保所有功能正常運作。
    • 根據玩家回饋,及時調整設定檔中的參數,提供最佳的使用體驗。
  5. 使用:

  1. Enhanced Player Experience
    • Custom Enchantment Scrolls: Unlike traditional enchanting methods, our plugin introduces the concept of enchantment scrolls. This not only adds more excitement to the game but also brings more challenges for players when enchanting items.
    • Success and Failure Chances: Enchantment scrolls have a chance of success and failure when used. If successful, the item gets enchanted; if failed, the item turns to ashes, adding randomness and challenge to the game.
  2. High Customizability
    • Configurable Success Rates: You can set the success rates for each enchantment according to your server's needs, ensuring game balance.
    • Allowed Items and Enchantments: Through a simple configuration file, you can specify which items can be enchanted and which enchantments can be applied to these items, catering to different gameplay requirements.
  3. Enhanced Management Control
    • Disable Anvil and Enchantment Table: The plugin disables players from enchanting items using anvils and enchantment tables, ensuring all enchanting actions are controlled through the plugin. This prevents uncontrolled powerful enchantments and enhances game fairness.
    • Custom Messages: You can customize the messages displayed to players when using enchantment scrolls, including color codes, making the game interface more attractive and engaging.
  4. Easy to Use
    • Simple Configuration Files: The plugin's configuration files are designed to be simple and clear, making it easy to set up and modify. You only need to change a few configurations to meet various needs.
    • Detailed Custom Message Functionality: Through the message.yml file, you can customize all messages displayed to players, including success, failure, and prohibited actions.
Key Features
  • Custom Enchantment Scrolls: Adds more randomness and challenge to the game through the use of scrolls for enchanting.
  • Configurable Success Rates: Allows you to set the success rates for each enchantment as needed.
  • Allowed Items and Enchantments: Specify which items can be enchanted and which enchantments can be applied to these items.
  • Disable Anvil and Enchantment Table: Ensures all enchanting actions are controlled through the plugin.
  • Custom Messages: Supports custom messages displayed to players, including color codes.
Installation and Configuration
  1. Download and Install the Plugin
    • Place the compiled plugin jar file into your server's plugins directory.
  2. Configure the Plugin
    • Start the server to automatically generate the config.yml and message.yml files.

    • Open the config.yml file and set the success rates and allowed items/enchantments as needed:

      SHARPNESS: 0.7 # Sharpness
      EFFICIENCY: 0.6 # Efficiency
      UNBREAKING: 0.8 # Unbreaking

      DIAMOND_SWORD: # Diamond Sword
      - SHARPNESS # Sharpness
      - UNBREAKING # Unbreaking

    • Open the message.yml file and customize the messages and prefix:

      prefix: "&7[&aEnchantment&7] " # Message Prefix

      success: "&aEnchantment successful!"
      failure: "&cEnchantment failed, item turned to ashes!"
      not_allowed_item: "&cThis item cannot be enchanted!"
      not_allowed_enchantment: "&cThis enchantment cannot be applied to this item!"
      anvil_enchant: "&cEnchanting with an anvil is disabled!"
      table_enchant: "&cUsing the enchantment table is disabled!"
  3. Restart the Server
    • Ensure all configurations are set correctly and restart the server to apply the changes.
  4. Monitor and Maintain
    • Regularly check the server logs to monitor the plugin's performance and ensure all features are working correctly.
    • Adjust the parameters in the configuration files as needed based on player feedback to provide the best user experience.
  5. use:
    Just move the enchanted book to the item you want to enchant to enchant it
Resource Information
Total Downloads: 25
First Release: Jun 21, 2024
Last Update: Jun 21, 2024
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
0 ratings
Version -----
Released: --------------------
Downloads: ------
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