A simple plugin that allows players to send and receive mail. Players can send each other items in mail through a very simple system The plugin also supports a blacklist/whitelist system for items sent through the mail system.
/mail - Opens mail menu
/mail send <player> - Opens a menu for sending mail to a player
/mail save - Force saves all plugin data
/mail version - View current plugin version
siliqonmail.main - Required for opening main menu
siliqonmail.send - Required for sending mail
siliqonmail.save - Required /mail save
siliqonmail.version - Required for /mail version
Configuration The plugin supports the following configuration options
Code (Text):
# Enables or disables the entire plugin[/LEFT]
plugin-enabled: true
# Notify about plugin updates?
notify-updates: true
# automatically save data every so often to protect from crashes?
auto-save-enabled: true
# amount of time to wait between autosaves, in seconds
auto-save-timer: 300
blacklist-enabled: true
# Should the blacklist actually work as a whitelist?
blacklist-is-whitelist: false
The plugin also has a lang.yml file which allows players to change all messages of the plugin or modify them according to thier own language.
All plugin data is stored in a data.yml file, It is not recommended to edit this file manually.
SUPPORT For any queries/bug support please open a ticket on our discord server. Any bug reports or complaints in the reviews section will be ignored.