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DeluxeMenus -----

The all in one GUI menu plugin!

1.14.0 | Support for 1.20, features and fixes!

An early gift, a DeluxeMenus update!

As we mentioned in the last update, this version drops support for any versions lower than 1.13.2. Please use an earlier build of DeluxeMenus if your server is outdated. The next version is scheduled to remove support from 1.13.2 to 1.14.3.

Now with that out of the way, let's get to the new things!

  • Added full 1.20 support.
  • Added support for oraxen materials. Ex.: material: oraxen-oraxen_item_id
  • Placeholder materials (placeholder-) now support all DeluxeMenus custom materials. Ex.: material: placeholder-%placeholder_that_returns_head-SomePlayer% will result in a head with the skin of SomePlayer
  • Head materials (head-, basehead-, texture- and hdb-) support placeholders. Ex.: material: basehead-%placeholder_that_returns_base64_encoded_head_url%
  • Oraxen and ItemsAdder materials now support placeholders. Ex.: material: oraxen-%placeholder_that_returns_oraxen_item%
  • Arguments and placeholders are supported by the model_data option. Ex.: model_data: {number_argument}. DeluxeMenus doesn't validate that the arguments input are numbers or not. The menu creator should validate it in open_requirements.
  • Added a new placeholder to check if a meta value is set or not: %deluxemenus_meta_has_value_<key>_<dataType>%
  • Added a new requirement comparator type: !=
Fixes and more:
  • Special materials (basehead, itemsadder, placeholder, etc.) are no longer case sensitive
  • Potions no longer require the rgb option to be set. The default potion color specified by Spigot is used if the option is not specified.
  • Removed entity_type option from items. The option was only needed for 1.12.x and lower versions.
  • Deprecated creating menus inside the config.yml. Menus should be created in separate files instead. A future update of DeluxeMenus will completely disable menu creation inside config.yml. (To clarify, menu names and file locations still need to be declared in config.yml, just menu contents can no longer be declared inside the config file)
Huge thanks to everyone who has worked on this update.
As always if you have any questions or suggestions reach out to us on our Discord,
----------, Dec 13, 2023
Resource Information
Total Downloads: 507,357
First Release: Sep 1, 2015
Last Update: Dec 13, 2023
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
604 ratings
Version -----
Released: --------------------
Downloads: ------
Version Rating:
-- ratings