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DeluxeMenus -----

The all in one GUI menu plugin!

1.13.6 Bunch of features, bug fixes and some QOL changes

We've got a heap of updates for you in this change log, but before that we wanted to let you know we’re dropping 1.12.2 (and lower) support soon. Before you start panicking please read the entire message. We know there are still some of you using this almost 5 years old version of Minecraft ( and that’s why we’ve decided to announce support dropping before we’re doing it.

We are giving you guys this opportunity to let us know what features DeluxeMenus for 1.12.2 still needs and what bugs there are. You can join the Discord server to do this: Here you’ll see a channel called #general-plugins-2 that’s in a forum style. You can create a new post there and add the deluxemenus-1.12.2 tag! So as you can tell, 1.13.7 won’t be the version that will drop 1.12.2 support. Instead, the plan is to release 1.13.7 with most if not all bugs fixed for 1.12.2 and then release 1.14.0 which will drop 1.12.2 (and lower) support.

  • Added 1.19, 1.19.1, and 1.19.2 support. This is for the [json] action and the nbt tags. All the other stuff is version agnostic and works without an update being required.

  • Added a new item option called model_data:. This should be used over nbt tags when using CustomModelData as this option uses Spigot’s API so it won’t break every version! Example of usage: model_data: 14 instead of nbt_int: CustomModelData:14.

  • Added direct ItemsAdder support for materials: material: itemsadder-<item-name>.
    Example of usage: material: itemsadder-mynamespace:custom_dirt

  • Added banner_meta support to SHIELDS!! You use them the same way as with banners but with one extra option: base_color. This option is required because shields don’t have a base color like banners which can be "white_banner", "red_banner", etc. This option can also be used on banners on versions older than 1.13.

  • Added support for material: AIR!!. This way you can have empty slots that can execute commands. These will literally be filled with air so no lore, no display name, just click requirements and click actions, basically magic.

  • Adjusted if you use a material like armor_chestplate or off_hand, and you add an option like display_name: “&cTest”, These options will now be overridden (just in the menu. Won’t affect the item in your hand at all).

  • Added a new option for items called entity_type:. This is targeted for servers 1.12.2 and lower. This can be used to set specific egg types in a menu instead of just a white egg. This might also work with monster spawners but we cannot guarantee it.
  • Added 2 new actions called [minimessage] and [minibroadcast]. These actions use the cool MiniMessage ( format so you can use things like hover, click actions, translatables, etc. without needing to use the ugly [json] action that even breaks on Minecraft updates.

  • Added a new command called /dm dump <menu>. This will create a paste bin with your menu in it and also some other important stuff like server version, java version, etc. This will be very helpful when asking for support. This command requires the deluxemenus.admin permission node to be used.

Bug Fixes:
  • Fixed problems with nbt tags on 1.18.2

  • Fixed arguments sometimes not working in materials, data, nbt tags.

  • Fixed items with slots set to something higher than the actual menu size throwing errors in the console. Now those items will just be ignored and a warning will be sent to the console.

  • Fixed problem with the has item requirement in 1.12.2 where if you would use data: 0, with a material like dirt, it would consider all dirt types as valid instead of just considering normal dirt.

  • Fixed action tags being removed from the entire action instead of just the start. For example, if you had an action [message] &cThis is a [message] action, the message you would end up with would be &cThis is an action.

  • Fixed the RGB option not allowing spaces between values. Before you had to use exactly this “R,G,B” and something like “R, G, B” would throw errors. Now you can even use “R, G , B” and it would still work!

  • Fixed the name_contains, name_ignorecase, lore_contains, and lore_ignorecase options being very broken in the has item requirement. Also as you might notice the options use underscore and not hyphen. This was a mistake in code as the wiki always said they use hyphens.

  • Fixed meta stuff like the [meta] action or meta placeholders requiring an update every time a new Minecraft version is released. From now on they should work without us needing to update the plugin at all.

  • Fixed colors not being parsed in the [broadcast] action.

  • The “>=”, “>”, “==”, “<” and “<= requirement types (so basically all comparison types) are now accepting double values instead of just longs. This means “output: 420.69” is now valid. Before it would only accept values like “output: 420”.

  • Moved the command registered and command unregistered messages behind the debug options since it was reported to get pretty annoying for people.

  • We are now caching heads the first time a menu is opened. This means heads filled menus will take significantly less time to load.

  • Completely revamped the Debug option! Now it uses a level system instead of an on/off switch. We are going to tweak message levels in the future so if you feel like a message is not sent at the correct level or it is using the wrong type (info, warning, error) please let us know at This does not require any change on your part as the option will automatically update in config.yml. The existent levels are HIGHEST, HIGH, MEDIUM, LOW, and LOWEST. HIGHEST Is the default option and this means that only messages with the highest priority will be shown. It works almost like debug: false used to.

  • Removed the Heads hook. This plugin hasn’t been updated in over 4 years and it doesn’t even have a spigot page anymore so the only way to even get it is by building it yourself. (

Huge thanks to Glare, Kaliber, and BlitzOffline for this update!
As always if you have any questions or suggestions reach out to us on our Discord,
----------, Aug 17, 2022
Resource Information
Total Downloads: 507,357
First Release: Sep 1, 2015
Last Update: Dec 13, 2023
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All-Time Rating:
604 ratings
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