Added a new "limit" filter for the log search command to prevent server lag. (Default limit is set to 100 results if not specified by the user.)
Global optimization of log input and search.
Modified the serialization/deserialization of items during death/action events. ⚠️ Items stored in the database prior to this update may no longer be restorable. ⚠️
Removed certain debug messages.
Explosions are now correctly logged and explosion logging logic has been improved.
Fixed (again) the YamlUpdater, which now works correctly.
Added a /wl website port command to quickly obtain the port on which the web panel is running.
Added a configuration option to limit the number of days logs are displayed on the web panel to prevent long search times.
Added a display on the web panel to show the time limit of displayed logs.
Optimized file logging to save logs every 1000 entries.
Logs are now correctly saved to the local file if the plugin is stopped before reaching 1000 entries.
Fixed a bug that sometimes displayed a "null" error in the console when a plugin GUI was open.
Container names are now displayed in logs, making it easier to locate items placed in other plugin GUIs.
The ender chest is now correctly translated by the plugin (previously recognized as a non-vanilla container).
Removed "-" and "+" signs that were meaningless in item transaction logs.
Fixed certain messages that were not always translated.
Fixed a bug that sometimes caused duplicate entry errors on player death.
Added a result limit for the log block usage (configurable default limit) and a new command /wl tool setlimit "limit" to set a new result limit for the log block.