LightNewbie | Provide protection for players who are new to the server to enhance their experience. icon

LightNewbie | Provide protection for players who are new to the server to enhance their experience. -----

grant protection to players who join the server for the first time

LightNewbie: Enhance New Player Experiences on Your Minecraft Server

Welcome new players to your Minecraft server confidently with LightNewbie! This lightweight Bukkit/Spigot plugin provides an added layer of protection, giving newcomers a safer, smoother start to their adventures.

  • Player Protection: Automatically grant new players a set period of invulnerability upon joining. This customizable protection period allows them to explore without worrying about damage.
  • Protection Countdown Reminders: Keep players informed with periodic reminders of their remaining protection time, helping them stay aware and engaged.
  • Easy Configuration: Effortlessly tailor protection settings to suit your server’s unique needs, ensuring a welcoming experience for every new member.
  • Seamless Performance: Enjoy smooth, lag-free integration into your server’s setup, keeping gameplay consistent and enjoyable for everyone.

  1. Place the LightNewbie.jar file into your server’s plugins folder.
  2. Restart your server to activate LightNewbie.
  3. That’s it! LightNewbie is ready to enhance the new player experience on your Minecraft server.
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protection-duration: 300 # Protection duration in seconds
protection-reminder-interval: 1 # Interval in seconds for reminder messages
use-action-bar: true # Use action bar for messages
prevent-item-pickup: true # Prevent players with active protection from picking up items

protection-restored: "&bʟɪɢʜᴛɴᴇᴡʙɪᴇ➜ &aYour protection has been restored! Remaining time: {time} seconds."
protection-enabled: "&bʟɪɢʜᴛɴᴇᴡʙɪᴇ➜ &aProtection enabled for {time} seconds."
protection-disabled: "&bʟɪɢʜᴛɴᴇᴡʙɪᴇ➜ &cYour protection has been disabled."
protection-status: "&bʟɪɢʜᴛɴᴇᴡʙɪᴇ➜ &eYou have {time} seconds of protection left."
protection-hit: "&bʟɪɢʜᴛɴᴇᴡʙɪᴇ➜ &cYou cannot hit a player who is under protection!"
already-protected: "&bLʟɪɢʜᴛɴᴇᴡʙɪᴇ➜ &aYou are already protected."
not-protected: "&bʟɪɢʜᴛɴᴇᴡʙɪᴇ➜ &cYou are not protected."
usage: "&bʟɪɢʜᴛɴᴇᴡʙɪᴇ➜ &cUsage: /lightnewbie <enable|disable|info|give|help|reload>"
no-permission: "&bʟɪɢʜᴛɴᴇᴡʙɪᴇ➜ &cYou don't have permission to use this command."
player-not-found: "&bʟɪɢʜᴛɴᴇᴡʙɪᴇ➜ &cPlayer not found."
help-message: "&bʟɪɢʜᴛɴᴇᴡʙɪᴇ➜ &eLightNewbie Commands:\n&6/lightnewbie enable <player> &7- Enables protection.\n&6/lightnewbie disable <player> &7- Disables protection for a player.\n&6/lightnewbie info <player> &7- Shows remaining protection time of a player.\n&6/lightnewbie give <player> &7- Gives protection to a player.\n&6/lightnewbie reload &7- Reloads the plugin configuration."
reload-complete: "&bʟɪɢʜᴛɴᴇᴡʙɪᴇ➜ &eConfiguration reloaded successfully."

/lightnewbie time
/lightnewbie reload
/lightnewbie disable
/lightnewbie enable
/lightnewbie help
/lightnewbie give
/lightnewbie info
/lightnewbie disableplayer

Resource Information
Total Downloads: 504
First Release: Jun 2, 2024
Last Update: Jan 10, 2025
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
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