✨ PerfectDuty ✨ - Best FREE Duty Plugin for Staff [RECODING 40% DONE] icon

✨ PerfectDuty ✨ - Best FREE Duty Plugin for Staff [RECODING 40% DONE] -----

A perfect duty plugin for server staff to help other players while saving their progress.


Perfect Duty is the best duty plugin for your server staff to help your players.
Staff can enable duty mode which saves their inventory, xp, armor, health, location and more then help players and after helping them they can turn off duty mode to go back to their location with their previous inventory and stuff.
If you have a survival or factions server, this plugin is a must for your server!

I was desperate to have a duty plugin on my server but (almost) all of the existing ones doesn't work so i decided to make one with pretty useful commands. Hope you'll love this plugin!

If you want to support my work you can donate!
My paypal email: [email protected]

Join our discord: https://discord.com/invite/4cvheXjn2n
# Hope you'll like the plugin :)
# If you would like to help, consider leaving a review.
# Need help? Join my discord.
# https://discord.com/invite/4cvheXjn2n
# Most of these are pretty much self-explanatory.
# --------------------------------------------------------
# Duty mode enable and disable commands are at the bottom.
# World change commands too!
# --------------------------------------------------------

duty-enabled: "&bYou have entered duty mode. Type /duty to exit."
duty-disabled: "&3You are no longer in duty mode."
player-not-found: "&cPlayer not found."
teleported: "&bTeleported to&f %player%"
returned: "&bReturned to your duty start location."
no-start-location: "&cNo start location found."
duty-enabled-for: "&bYou have enabled duty for&f %player%"
duty-enabled-by: "&bYour duty mode has been enabled by &f%sender%"
already-in-duty: "&c%player% is already in duty mode."
duty-disabled-for: "&cYou have disabled duty for&f %player%"
duty-disabled-by: "&cYour duty mode has been disabled by&f %sender%"
not-in-duty: "&c%player% is not in duty mode."
you-not-in-duty: "&cYou are not in duty mode."
help: "&eDuty Commands:\n&e/duty - Toggle duty mode on/off\n&e/duty tp <player> - Teleport to a player\n&e/duty back - Go back to the start location\n&e/duty forceon <player> - Force duty mode on for a player\n&e/duty forceoff <player> - Force duty mode off for a player\n&e/duty help - Show this help message\n&e/duty list - List players in duty mode\n&e/duty calm <player> - Send a calming message to a player"
no-duty-players: "&eNo players are currently in duty mode."
duty-players: "&ePlayers in duty mode:"
calm: "&aA staff member will teleport to you and assist you pretty soon."
calm-sent: "&bCalm message sent to&f %player%"

# I personally recommend using staff chat to inform that a player entered duty mode.
# IMPORTANT: God and fly mode is not enabled whenever you enter duty mode! To enable
# This you will need EssentialsX or any other plugin.
# I highly recommend CMI by Zrips because it can make God and fly mode message silent!
# Commands are executed from console so ya know what to do :)
- "staffchat &c%player% &7has entered duty mode."
# - "cmi god %player% true -s"
# - "cmi fly %player% true -s"

- "staffchat &c%player% &7has exited duty mode."
# - "cmi god %player% false -s"
# - "cmi fly %player% false -s"

- "staffchat &c%player% &7has changed world while in duty mode."
# - "cmi god %player% true -s"
# - "cmi fly %player% true -s"

# This option won't work any more. If you want to enable flight on every time
# when you change your world, set it up on the list above above.
enable-flight-on-world-change: false
# Default: false
# I don't recommend setting this option to true as it may cause some issues.
# This option will be removed soon in the future.
# So if you want to enable flight on world change you can set it up
# on world-change-commands. It works perfectly fine.
# You have reached the end of the config file. It was that simple.
# Pretty cool isn't it? :)


- Almost all messages configurable. -
- Setup commands for players in duty when they change world. -
- Setup Duty enter and disable commands. -
- Useful commands for players in duty. -
- Duty mode in survival to minimize the chance of abusing. -
- Saves everything when entering duty mode. -
- Lightweight. -
- Gives player's progress and stuff back when leaving duty mode. -
- And more! -


/duty - Enables and disables duty mode. duty.use
/duty back
- Go back to the location where you entered duty mode. duty.back
/duty tp
<player> - Teleport to a player when in duty mode. duty.tp
/duty help
- Shows help menu on how to use the plugin. duty.help
/duty forceon
<player> - Force enables duty mode for a player. duty.forceon
/duty forceoff <player>
- Force disables duty mode for a player. duty.forceoff
/duty list
- Shows who all are in duty mode. duty.list
/duty calm
<player> - Sends targeted player a message: A staff will teleport to you and assist you pretty soon. duty.calm
- Reload the config. duty.reload


By downloading this plugin, you agree to these terms:
1. I will not redistribute this plugin.
2. I will not claim this plugin as my own.
3. I will use common sense and use this plugin fairly.

Fly mode and God mode will not be enabled when you enter duty mode by default! You must add them in config.yml

By the way if you like this plugin, you can leave a review :)
Resource Information
Total Downloads: 79
First Release: May 30, 2024
Last Update: May 30, 2024
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
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