SilentChatFilter is a useful plugin that is going to filter any word you want from being said in the chat, it also offers a log file that is going to log all the blocked words that users have tried to say in the following format
Username: "message goes here": "player coordinates when he said the word."
So if a player tries to report a racist message but he has no proof you can check the log of the plugin, it also sends a notice to all the online staff with the same format as the log file
[SilentChatFilter] Username said a swear word: swear word goes here.
When someone swears or says a blocked word it will prompt them with:
Do not swear otherwise actions will be taken.
And it can be set to whatever you want in the config file.
This is going to bypass whatever you say and it won't block words said by users with this permission.
This is for the server staff and it will notify them when someone says a blocked word.
It will allow the user with this permission to reload the plugin.
it will allow the user to add a new word to the block list.
it will allow the user to unblock words from the block list.
/silentchatfilter reload
It will reload the configuration file.
/silentchatfilter add <word>
This command is going to put the word you desire in the config.yml file to block the word from being said without you interfering
/silentchatfilter remove <word>
This command is going to remove any word you desire from the config file to unblock it without you interfering
(Please do "/silentchatfilter reload" after adding/removing a word.)
Note: if this plugin gets 45 downloads I'll include the players IP address in the log file too in case you want to IP Ban them, and their coordinates and dimension before they logged out will also be included in case you want to prank them!
And if it get's 75 downloads I am going to make another list in the config.yml file for a certain words that you can also set but this time if someone said one of them he will get punished by either getting kicked out of the server, getting temp banned, getting perma banned, or getting perma IP banned, and I am also going to make a command to add/remove those words with their punishments!