BaseRaiders RECODED - [Protection blocks] -  Highly customizable! icon

BaseRaiders RECODED - [Protection blocks] - Highly customizable! -----

Fuel, Decay, Money generator, Ranks & more!

Infinite GUIs | Trust invites | Placeholder Changes | Config changes
Change log:
- Made it possible so you can now have as many GUIs as you want (create an infinite amount)
- Modified tag [SPECIAL] open <GUI name> so it opens any GUI with the specified name
- Moved protections.yml one directory up (got rid of the folder)
- Commands changes:
- Added /base toggle <particles / zone / invites> - A way to toggle messages and other features
- Added /base bypass - Command for admins to bypass base protection
- Reworked /base trust <player> to now send an invite to the targeted player
- Added /base invites - Opens a GUI for pending invites, GUI is in config.yml and must be named "trust"
- Moved the commands section and the handlers section to .yml files
- Added particle-loop-timer and show-particle-distance and modified how particles are handled, they now become visible when nearby and are at the edge of the protection radius instead of in the middle of the edge block
- Fixed some placeholders (of course)
- Added a way to modify the pricing symbol (money / items) in config.yml in the placeholder-replacements section
----------, Jun 6, 2024
Resource Information
Total Downloads: 52
First Release: May 19, 2024
Last Update: Yesterday at 4:21 PM
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
8 ratings
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