I have noticed that someone has copied the file and posted it on their website calling it a leak. It is basically not a leak since I am a developer for the crash but, I do hate it when people crash servers for no reason that's why I created this Skript for that very reason. I do not want anyone downloading the file and posting it on another website as a leak since I will know where it comes from. The main thing about this file is to prevent players that use the client from crashing your server with
SlotCrash. Just because I post a Anti version of a crasher, doesn't mean you copy the whole file as a leak, that's just not right. If I find more things about this Skript becoming known as a leak, I will kindly ask for you to take it down before it comes to court issues.
Where I Found This So Called Leak -
Anyways, I have added a new command and will continue to update this file, so I added an update command for the file itself, just that I haven't figured out how to make it do automatic live updates.