With LunaticFamily, you can marry other players, adopt them, and enter blood brotherhoods with them. Create your own family tree and display it as a list or in the Advancements screen as a family tree.
I recommend using BetterAdvancements to have a larger Advancements screen.
FEATURES - 100% customizable messages and other values - customize commands and subcommand - marry other players - adopt other players - enter siblinghoods, to have a sibling without having parents - display your family tree in advancement screen - supports MySQL and SQLite - supports Paper, Bungeecoord and Velocity (on proxy, only proxy server needs to be configured) - Placeholders with PlaceholderAPI - see all Features in the WIKI
(Optional)CrazyAdvancementAPI - needed to display family tree in advancement screen (if you not using newest server version, you need to use an older version fitting your server version)
(Optional) Vault- needed to withdraw economy (Optional) PlaceholderAPI - needed to use placeholder
If you discover any bugs or have ideas for new features, please don't hesitate to open an Issue on GitHub or contact me on Discord. I appreciate your input!