I am not reviewing solely based off this, but why is the ip storage {ip::%uuid of player%} knowing that you can just join on a different IP. You should use a list instead
You forgot to lock reports to permissions
No message customization
Poor coding quality with reasons. You added duplicate script code when you didn't need to (for the no reason specified)
Generic ban / unban. Uses mc bans, no customization, basic and the vanilla bansystem is of poor quality.
Your chat mute code:
on chat:
if {muted::%player's uuid%} is true:
cancel event
send "&cYou are currently muted."
uncancel event
- Does not override other skripts
- Does not override plugins with a high priority
- Why do you have an else condition to uncancel event. What if other skripts cancel the chat event?
(and why is there a stop at the end )
/invsee does not let you edit the target's inventory
Why don't you add an optional [<text>] after commands with no arguments. It doesn't cost you anything, and prevents the usage message to be shown to players who accidentally type extra args in the command.
on chat:
if {staffchat::%player's uuid%} is true:
cancel event
send "&c[SC] &f%player%: &f%message%" to all players where [{staffchat::%player's uuid%} is true]
uncancel event
Again, why do you uncancel the event if the code that cancels the event falls under a condition and will not run if said condition is not met..?
Why does this code exist:
on right click:
if player's tool is blaze rod named "&cRandom TP":
loop all players:
add loop-player to {_random::*}
if {_random::*} is set:
teleport player to random element out of {_random::*}
You know you can just 'teleport player to random player'
or 'teleport player to random element out of all players' instead of looping all players for no reason
If somebody joins after you've vanished, you won't be hidden from them.
Thank you for the review. will take that into account. Also the uncancel event code is there because i wasn't entirely sure if it would uncancel automatically and I've just gotten used to adding "stop" at the end of code. In my testing, I was able to edit inventories of other players using /invsee and the extra "on right click" code is just for the staff items to work. I also wasn't expecting good reviews on this resource since i came back from a year's break and I just wanted to share my work. Again thanks to the review and I will try to improve the skript as much as i can.
Version: 1.02
You are letting everyone see the report list and delete any reports they want without a permission