FoxGate has been a game-changer for our server, providing top-tier protection against new bot griefer groups. Many of these bots use VPNs or proxies to hide their real IPs, making them difficult to ban. But with FoxGate, that’s no longer an issue. No more griefing bots from organized groups, no more base raiders abusing VPNs to disrupt the game—just legitimate players and real traffic. Highly recommended!
PL: Bardzo długo szukałem pluginu, który pozwala na tak szeroką konfigurację i jestem mega zadowolony, po kilku minutowej konfiguracji plugin działa bardzo dobrze. Nawet blokuje NordVPN z którego korzystam(jest naprawdę mało wykrywany nawet na innych stronach internetowych) a FoxGate zablokował mi połączenie do serwera, musiałem się dodać do białej listy hahah :))
ENG: I searched for a plugin with such extensive configuration options for a long time, and I’m extremely satisfied. After just a few minutes of setup, the plugin works flawlessly. It even blocks NordVPN, which I use (and it’s rarely detected, even on other websites), but FoxGate blocked my connection to the server! I had to whitelist myself, haha! :))
This plugin is simply the best AntiVPN I've seen!!!
I especially like how even in the basic configuration there are so many service providers to choose from and even if they are not enough you can add more.
In the time I've been actively using this plugin it has changed a lot, like with the Minimessage support which allows you to edit the messages according to your needs.
If you find a bug or think the plugin is missing a feature you can write to discord where you can resolve the bug with the author.
I hope this plugin gets the attention I think it deserves!
By far one of the best AntiVPN systems for Minecraft servers. I tested it in various scenarios, and it performed flawlessly every time. Highly recommended!
This is possibly the best support I've received for a free plugin! The bypass permission node wasn't working, so I hopped into the dev's DIscord server, and they responded within half an hour trying to troubleshoot what caused it. Within an hour or two, they sent me an early access dev build with the bypass permission node fixed!
seems to work great! very very easy to configure especially with blacklists IP & names
two ideas/suggestion:
1) in the config - 'blacklist' should be re-named to whitelist (since generally blacklist means to not allow, and whitelist meaning do allow)
2) fix typo from "you has been disconnected" to "you have been disconnected"
Hi! I don't use GitHub for my plugins, anyway, this is not obfuscated or anything, you can see the code if you want with a decompiler.
I would like you to rephrase the review, thanks you and have a nice day! ^^
Version: 1.0.0
yesterday my server got attacked, by some banned member cause they break the server rule, and isung this plugin working perfectly.