+ Added a new option to the vote system that allows you to base the vote on the percentage of players online rather than a specified minimum number of votes.
For example you could say 50% of the server have to vote for it to be successful.
+ Added a new section to each vote type in the config.yml instead of "MIN_VOTES", it will now have the following section (if you are already using the plugin then you will need to add this manually, check the plugin page for the full config file):
Code (Text):
TYPE: 'MIN_VOTES' # This value will either be "MIN_VOTES" or "SERVER_PERCENTAGE"
MIN_VOTES: 10 # Minimum votes required to mute the player (will only be used if type is "MIN_VOTES")
SERVER_PERCENTAGE: 10 # This value is a percentage out of 100 based on the number of players online compared to the number of votes (will only be used if type is "SERVER_PERCENTAGE")