Added notify online status change player setting, world display names and much more
You need to update Clans to or else clans will stop working with this update
Added notify online status change player setting
Players now can decide themselves if they want to receive a notification if a friend of them joins
Less MySQL overhead by reducing the times the server has to be accessed
Display names for worlds can be configured under "WorldDisplayNames". To use Server display names you need to activate "WorldDisplayNames.Use". After you activated that setting and restarted the bungeecord there will be more options in the config, which will enable you to define server display names
Improved managing of max players per party
You are now able to set permissions which add more party slots to the default max size
Changed the location of the party max settings to 'Party.MaxPlayersPerParty' in the config
Fixed bugs
Fixed a problem with the friend request menu not working correctly
Fixed a bug which caused problems in the party gui if the player had a long name
Fixed a bug which caused /msg and /r to not use any permissions