herds of zombies will spawn in large numbers around the player at night
(radius, range, and amounts can be edited in the config)
these zombies will only spawn in spots that have a light level bellow 6 (this can be configured as well)
killing zombies will make you go insane (insanity meter will appear as a bossbar once the player has entered or is in the target world which must be set in the config)
sanity will recover over time the recovery amount can be configured
eating rotten flesh will impact your sanity significantly
Commands /giveinsanity <player> - this will give the insanity bossbar to the target player if they were not given one when in the target world
/setinsanity <player> <0.0 - 1.0> - this can be used to manually set a targets insanity level
/checkinsanity <player> - this will check if the target has a saved insanity level and recall it to their insanity bar
/removeinsanity <player> - this will remove the insanity bar of the target if it was not removed upon leaving the target world
/setapocdata <player> <key> <value> - this is used mostly for testing but can be used to set a persistent data container string value bound to the target player
/getapocdata <player> <key> - this is used mostly for testing but can be used to get a persistent data container string value of the target player
/apoc-reload - will reload the config file to apply any changes made to it to the game without the need to reload or restart the whole server