!! Again I changed the script parser from EvalEx to Rhino, and all the formula in default config will break. You need to delete the old config and install the new config to make all things work well.
!! 我将脚本引擎从 EvalEx 切换到了 Rhino,这意味着所有默认配置中的价格公式又一次失效了。你需要删除旧配置并下载新配置以让插件正常工作。
Something new 更新日志
- 新增了上架条件机制。现在你可以为一个商品包或单独的某个商品指定一系列返回值为布尔值的 JS 脚本作为上架条件 | Added a listing condition mechanism. Now you can specify a series of scripts with Boolean return values as listing conditions for a product pack or individual product.
- 修改了交易日志的储存方式,现在交易日志中不再储存商品被交易时的显示名称 | The storage method of the settlement log has been modified, and now the display name of the product when it is traded is no longer stored in the settlement log.
- 修复了若干 BUG | Several bug fix