/!\ To make sure Guis & Config are correctly updated you should delete the guis/ folder and the config file /!\
+ Fix some issues on Protection :
- The dispensers destroyed itemframes/paintings/armorstands (with arrows, snowballs or fireballs)
- Riding a boat destroyed itemframes/paintings/armorstands
- Explosions destroyed itemframes/paintings/armorstands
- Projectiles destroyed the decorations pot
- Players could steal liquids with an empty bucket
- Liquids could flow into a claim when we put a stair in the water
- Players could trample crops in a claim
- Players could shear sheeps in a claim
- Beds could be placed on the border of a claim, so one part of the bed is outside and the other part is inside
- Players could change the text on signs
- Players could take liquid from a cauldron in a claim
- Some blocks could explode like Respawn Anchor
- Players couldn't attack aggressive mobs when "Damages" setting was disabled
- Players could click on a dragon egg in a claim
+ Fix some issues when adding/removing claim members/bans :
- SQL error when concatening String
- The targeted player was not found even though he was connected (on offline mode server)
+ Change the "Open containers" setting to "Interact with blocks" setting
- You can add any blocks that are interactive, not only containers
- Now in config.yml it's blocked-interact-blocks instead of blocked-containers
+ Change the "Interact with armor stands" to "Interact with entities" setting
- You can add any entities that are interactive, not only armor stands
- You can use in config.yml : blocked-entities to set up blocked entities
+ Remove "Break paintings" and "Use itemframes" settings (useless because of "Destroy" setting and "Interact with entities" setting)
+ Add "/aclaim add-blocked-entity <entity-type>"
+ Add "/aclaim remove-blocked-entity <entity-type>"
+ Change "/aclaim add-blocked-container" to "/aclaim add-blocked-interact-block"
+ Add a purge system
- You can set up the purge system, every how long the server must purge claims, and how long the player must be disconnected for their claims to be deleted
Code (YAML):
# Autopurge claims
# auto-purge-checking is in minutes (every x minutes the plugin will purge the claims)
# auto-purge-time-without-login accepts this format : 5s, 5m, 5h, 5d, 5w (5 is for example)
: true
: 60
: 14d