This update adds some more functionality in the config.yml file. I highly recommend you
review the new configuration options which appear
here, and
add them into your config.yml file when updating to this version of Daily Rewards 2.
- You can now configure the size and layout of the /rewards menu using the /ar menuconfig command in-game. A guide for this can be found here
- Added new configuration option ‘check-for-rewards-cycle’ which will check and remind players on a configured interval if they have any new available rewards while online
- Added new configuration options under ‘navigation-next’ and ‘navigation-back’ which will allow you to change the name and material of these items in the reward menu (suggested by @DezekTw)
- Added new config option ‘reward-reminder-on-join’ which will send a message and sound to players when they login and have a new reward available
- The /adminreward command now has tab-complete suggestions for easier command usage
Changes / Fixes:
- If a message in messages.yml is set to a blank string, neither the message or sound associated with it will be sent to the player. An example of this can be seen here
- Fixed a bug that allowed players to open the reward menu on login even if they did not have the ‘dr.reward’ permission
- Added new error and warning console logs for more helpful context for debugging
- Optimized some internal utility functions for better performance
- Refactor internal classes and packages to be more organized and easily modified
This update adds and changes over 1,000 lines of code. Although I tested thoroughly, you might still encounter bugs or issues. Please report any bugs you might find to the
GitHub bug tracker here.