LifeLine icon

LifeLine -----

10 hearts just isnt enough! but it will cost you for more.

fixes and redundancies
noticed an issue with my own server where elite mobs plugin would reset the health of the player on joining back to game default 20 hearts so I added a redundancy that will check two values one being the current health max and the other being a persistent data container tied to the player and of they don’t match it will manually reset it back to the amount it should be from lifeline and apply regen for a short period to bring the health back to full
please don’t make me have to remove this due to cheating with it :(

anyway new addition to the config is the line for region time being as follows by default
regen: 48

the 48 is not in seconds for whatever reason so it roughly translates to 2 seconds total which is enough to regain 60 hp to full from 20 hp

new commands are
/ll-setdata <player> <hp>
/ll-getdata <player>

the set data will do much the same as the /ll-set command where it will set a desired hp max to whoever the target is it is really just for debuting on my end and get data will just display what the PDC for the target is set to also mostly just for debugging
----------, Oct 6, 2024
Resource Information
Total Downloads: 122
First Release: Feb 8, 2024
Last Update: Oct 6, 2024
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
0 ratings
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