New optimized method for creating residence while using /res auto. You can still switch back to old method if this one causes issues.
New permission nodes as residence.max.res.x.[number] and residence.max.res.z.[number] which will allow you to increase players residence limits with permission nodes, this only applies for x and z coordinates and only for max amount. Biggest detected value will be used.
Fix performance issue when checking offline player permission (sandtechnology)
Fix for rare issue when owners name could be set to lower case variant
Fix for issue when you have invalid lease, rent and similar files which prevented from plugin loading in correctly.
Improved permission check when it comes to offline players. This is mainly for situations relating to old residence cleanups and will only work if you have LuckPerms plugin which supports permission checks for offline players.
Added additional regular player location check, this will perform check every 15 seconds to make sure that players are not bugged into a residence where they don't have move permission