Now we will always inform player about posible danger when teleporting to the residence, which includes falling into void or into lava.
Lets ignore residence count when buying one and you have ignorelimits set in groups.yml file
Better support for anchor blocks which includes new anchor flag. This will prevent anchor blocks from exploding when being interacted in none nether world
Fixing /res raid stop command
Fixing raid bossbar message
Fixing and improving tab complete which will be more efficient and will include more suggestions
Added raidstatus locale lines
Now /res info includes accurate dimensions of residence when hovering over its size line
Fix for unstuck command not recognizing correct value set in groups file
Now flight mode will not be disabled when you leave residence with fly flag enabled while you have access to ether or permission nodes.
Now only 3 first worlds will get recorded for random teleportation section as initial suggestion instead of including all of them which could have included quite a few worlds if you have server which constantly creates custom worlds. This doesn't have any effect on your current setup.
Fix for issue when selection 1 block tall area which resulted into being free instead of charging defined amount
2 new flags as Honey and honeycomb which will allow to ether extract honey by using bottles or to get honeycombs by using shears
Fix for fly remaining in some specific situations when you leave residence with fly flag enabled