Some fixes related to mirror option in groups file by hector-romero
Fix related to fly issue and residenceChangeEvent not including old residence if they are near each other.
Added option to define name increment when using /res auto to include _[number] after name if there is already residence with that name. Checks up to 50 possible increments, after which it will just output that residence with that name already exists, but I don't think we need more than that.
Some fix for async residence saving and concurrent HashMap modifications
Small fix for riding and container checks on entities in residence. This includes llamas and donkeys.
Small fix for sign NPE error
./res check command will now gonna check for valid flag and will inform about that instead of simply saying that his flag does not apply to player
Now tab complete should exclude players you can't see.
Included donkey to an animal group as of 1.11 version it's separate from horse. Ask Mojang why this change.
Fixed issue with flaming arrows not igniting animals in residence. How they can be ignited if you or residence has animallkilling flag set to true.
Any new feature suggestions are always welcome ^.^