HuskClaims 1.2 adds a new admin command, support for Minecraft 1.20.5, and fixes bugs.
- Added a new admin command: /huskclaims flags (permission node: huskclaims.command.huskclaims.flags (#94)
- Lets you modify individual flags within a claim, and edit the flag rules outside of claims (in the Wilderness)
- Added support for Minecraft 1.20.5, includng protecting against decorated pots being broken by projectiles
- Fixed a few issues with the PlaceholderAPI expansion
- Fixed the PAPI hook failing to persist when PlaceholderAPI was reloaded.
- Fixed the PAPI hook not calculating operation permissions silently
- Fixed a NullPointerException that could occur clearing caches over the plugin message broker (#92)
- Fixed an off-by-one display issue with claim markers in BlueMap (#95)
- Fixed /huskclaims reload not reloading the locales file, courtesy of @ProdPreva1l (#96)
- Updated the Simplified Chinese (zh-cn) locales, courtesy of @jhqwqmc (#83, #101)
To update, just drag+drop. You may wish to regenerate your locales file.