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NamelessMC -----

The "Nameless" Minecraft Website Software

Version 2.0.0 Pre-Release 12
Hi everyone,

NamelessMC version 2.0.0 pre-release 12 is now available!

Hopefully we've sorted the issues with group sync, meaning you can now reliably synchronise your website groups with your ingame ranks (via the Nameless Plugin) and your Discord roles (via the Discord bot)

There's also a new Thai translation (thanks to ผ.บ.รถถัง ϟ ϟ โฮเฮนชเตาเฟ่น), per-user Default Revamp dark mode selection, an improved Default panel template dark mode, new Forum module settings such as link location, plus many fixes.

Important things to note:
  • If you are using a custom template, you may experience "Invalid Token" issues. If this is the case, please update your template to the latest version (if the template hasn't yet updated to pre-release 12, you may consider upgrading at a later date)
  • This is the final NamelessMC version which will support any versions of PHP lower than 7.4 - to continue to use Nameless after pre-release 12, please update your PHP version!
As mentioned above, there are breaking template changes with this update, but we don't expect there to be any compatibility issues with modules.

As always, existing website owners can download the update through the StaffCP -> Update tab, and new installations can get the latest version on GitHub (

If you're updating from pre-release 11, please read the instructions in your StaffCP -> Update tab carefully, and create a backup of your files and the database first.

----------, Oct 10, 2021
Resource Information
Total Downloads: 23,638
First Release: Aug 25, 2015
Last Update: Jan 8, 2025
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
183 ratings
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