NamelessMC icon

NamelessMC -----

The "Nameless" Minecraft Website Software

Version: v2.1.2
Blows Xenforo out of the water - it's free and has extensive customizability an functionality
Author's response
A *slightly* delayed response - but thank you for the review, I'm glad you like Nameless!

Version: v2.1.2
It’s an absolute gem! There’s some really nice templates out there and the modules that are available can make this a truly one stop resource for your players! Homepage, Shop, Vote Page, Wiki etc! More servers need to hop on this and ditch paid stores!
Author's response
Thank you for the kind words!

Version: v2.0.0 pre-release 13
Excellent work from the developers.
User-Friendly GUI, modules / themes easy to install and very simple to configure. Everything is 101% taken care of, I hope new updates continue to come out because my website ( is what it is only thanks to the team (and supporters) of NamelessMC!
Good job!
Author's response
Thank you for the review!

Version: v2.0.0 pre-release 13
One of the best free resources out there for a forums website. It is a very good place to start especially if you need something quick and relatively easy to setup. I would 100% expect there to be bugs as it is a pre-release but all the stuff you can do with it is greater than other open source and free resources so far (minus wordpress but that is also at least 10 times more complicated) there is constant support for nameless too. It also has a pretty good integration with minecraft using their plugin though it can be a bit network heavy at times.
Author's response
Thank you very much!

Version: v2.0.0 pre-release 12
Wow! This is perfect, was going to just run a wordpress site for my server but choosing nameless was a no brainer. Really well made documentation, really well made software! Thank you! Donation incoming :D
Author's response
Thank you for the kind words, glad you like it!

Version: v2.0.0 pre-release 12
Probably the best free forum platform I've used. The fact that it is also intended for Minecraft makes it perfect for many projects, not just a simple forum. 5 ★
Author's response
Thank you for the review! :)

Version: v2.0.0 pre-release 10
Very well done. I have a question can you change and remove the the "portal" part if so which/where can I edit it?
And thanks!
Author's response
Thanks for the review! :)

You can change the portal by editing the file custom/templates/*Your Template*/portal.tpl - note you need to be familiar with HTML and CSS to edit this file.

You can disable the portal by changing "Homepage Type" to "Default" in the StaffCP -> Configuration -> General Settings tab

Version: v2.0.0 pre-release 10
Excellent site/forums maker! I have a question can you remove the • on the tabs name thing?! Here is a screenshot
Author's response
Hi, thanks for the review!

Yep you can customise it in the file custom/templates/*Your Template*/header.tpl:

• is the bullet point that is there currently

Version: v2.0.0 pre-release 9
This is a really amazing tool!
If you want to make a site easily for your server, this is the solution!
Moreover, there are many templates (I bought one, lol) to customize your site and make it even more to your liking!
The modules are really good, I just hope that new ones will appear, especially for premium plugins such as anti-cheat, or permissions plugins to synchronize everything!

Author's response
Thank you for the kind words!

Version: v2.0.0 pre-release 9
Best forum free tool, very useful, had few bugs, but overall I loved it. Recommend it for everyone
Author's response
Thanks! :)

Version: v2.0.0 pre-release 9
read me before looking for support::
i waited an hour or more and the first (FIRST) moderator that replies is the rudest motherfucker that said "are you still here" "you've got to be a troll at this point"..... like wtf. saying that to a guy thats been waiting an hour for something thats not even working is mad. then after that another guy needs support and the moderator then reignites an argument and completely voids him.

wtf is this support man. its the worst one ive come across. the only reason im rating 3 stars and not 1 is because of the actually working website. its nice but man. i wouldnt even give the support a 0 star.

Version: v2.0.0 pre-release 9
Great work, this is very helpful and useful. Just wondering, when can we expect to see LeaderHeads integration?
Author's response
Thanks for the review, glad you like it! Currently the development focus is on the core and getting a full v2 release out - after that I'm hoping to shift my own focus onto modules including LeaderHeads integration

Version: v2.0.0 pre-release 9
Amazing work, one of the most useful minecraft plugins i have ever used. It outdoes enjin and other minecraft forum softwares. 10/10
Author's response
Thanks for the review! :)

Version: v2.0.0 pre-release 9
WHAT THE HECK.. I CAN'T BELIEVE this is actually FREE! It is really nice of you to make this resource... I lov u <3
Author's response
Thanks a lot! :)

Version: v2.0.0 pre-release 9
Just... Wow! Amazing work, website works fine and the admin panel is also easy to use and the best part is... Its free!
Author's response
Thank you for the review! :)

Version: v2.0.0 pre-release 8
yay! pre8 is finally here, this is the best web software ever for a Minecraft server/network.
Author's response
Thank you! :)

Version: v2.0.0 pre-release 8
It's perfect NamelessMC
Author's response
Thank you! :)

Version: 1.0.21
Nameless is the BEST Minecraft CMS for server owners! I have no idea how it's free...
Author's response
Thank you! :)

Version: 1.0.21
The plugin works really well along with the NamelessMC website. The entire community and staff are really helpful in solving issues and contributing to improve the system. I can't believe this is all free and I think it outdoes the competition like Enjin or XenForo in certain areas like ease of use, price (it's free), and customization. The dev team is always working on improving and adding new features. I can't wait to see what the future holds for NamelessMC.
Author's response
Thank you very much!

Version: 1.0.21
I've tried a lot of forum software over the years, but Nameless has been the best by far for Minecraft. Easy to use, super helpful support on here and in Discord, and has a lot of ways to integrate with Minecraft to bring player experience to the next level. Highly recommended!
Author's response
Thank you for the kind words!

Version: 1.0.21
Can't recommend this software enough, it's very easy to use, well managed, the developer is really helpful and friendly and it's on the level of XenForo. For anyone looking to use this plugin it's got perfect LiteBans integration without needing webhosting, Tebex integration and LeaderHeads stats is on the way! Use this plugin and your minecraft server will go far on the forums side of things.
Author's response
Thank you! Just as a side note, a Tebex module is already available in the resources section :)

Version: 1.0.21
By far one of the best forums resources out there. You won't go wrong with this. Great work with making this & keep up the good work.
Author's response
Thank you very much!

Version: 1.0.21
Love it, I use this for my other website as well as my minecraft server.
10/10 would recommend
Author's response
Thank you for the kind review! :)

Version: 1.0.21
Amazing Software!!
Faster than Wordpress and much more specialized!
10 out of 10
Author's response
Thank you! :)

Version: 1.0.21
the first and the only web software I have used, it is A.M.A.Z.I.N.G.L.Y E.P.I.C
Author's response
Thanks for the review, glad you like it!

Version: 1.0.21
nice support I recommend namelessmc for every minecraft server
Author's response
Thanks! :)

Version: 1.0.21
Its 'almost' full customizable, and easy to use....and FREE!! I am using for more than a year and I have see incedible changes in the Admin Panel and so on! Keep going guys! Awesome job!
Author's response
Thanks for the review! :)

Version: 1.0.21
NamelessMC is amazing! With the right themes you can make it look like XenForo - I won't even start with how good the integration with MC is.
5/5 from me
Author's response
Thanks! :)

Version: 1.0.21
I've made my website and have run into a few bumps, but the support was always behind me in Discord to help with anything. Nice customization into a package you can host for free!
Author's response
Thanks for the review! :)

Version: 1.0.21
Thanks for the help it worked now :D good support keep it up man :D
Author's response
Glad it worked! Thanks for the review :)

Version: 1.0.21
just wow
finaly i can make a web site for my server
but namelessmc need thems i can't find a good thems if u know a good thems pm me plz
and keep going
love u ❤️
Author's response
Thanks for the review! :)

If you're using Nameless v1, you can find themes here:

and if you're using the v2 pre-releases, themes are here:

Note you need to be logged into the website to see the download buttons, and there are more templates coming soon!

Version: 1.0.21
Amazing! At first, I had a little bit of trouble and the developer helped me solve it really fast! They are really helpful and quick to respond on Discord! Would definitely recommend it!
Author's response
Thanks for the review!

Version: 1.0.21
Its very good web software and support help me with installation on discord server :)
Author's response
Thanks for the review! :)

Version: 1.0.21
Amazing how this software is free, also the help on their discord server is rapid fast and the respect for one and other is really pleasing to see. Hope this project goes far, would 100% recommend! <3
Author's response
Thanks for the kind words! :)

Version: 1.0.21
Once you add an addon to the website how do you delete it? I tryed deleting it threw the files but no luck still there and the red trash button (To delete it) doesn't work also. It just stays on the website even if the files are deleted
Author's response
Thanks for the review!

Unfortunately it's not possible to fully remove an addon from Nameless at the moment, it's something I am hoping to add very soon and it's high on the to-do list.

Version: 1.0.20
Amazing web,
but can you add UTF-8 support? (ľščťžýáíéňäúôď)
Look at this:
Author's response

In version 1, this depends on the host server configuration (you can fix it in your MySQL database using something like phpMyAdmin, see here:

Native support in Nameless has already been added in the version 2 pre-releases:

Version: 1.0.19
Amazing Web.

Please add staff page addon and tickets addon
Author's response

Thanks for the review!

I'll definitely look into adding both a staff page and a ticket system for a future update :)

Version: 1.0.19
Best Minecraft Website

Please Update, add LeaderHeads Addon and PEX addon
Author's response

Thanks for the review! Updates are coming soon, unfortunately I've been really busy with university recently so I haven't been able to update for a while.

Both LeaderHeads and PEX integration are good ideas, I'll try to create addons for them both in the near future.

Version: 1.0.19
Donwloaded es euch nicht. Es Funktioniert nicht, die Supporter sind nur AFK oder es "juckt" sie nicht.
Eigentlich fand ich das es professionell aussieht, naja mind. die Website. Der Rest ist nur kinder scheiße.
Author's response

If you have installed Nameless and it doesn't work, there will be something wrong with your server configuration.

Please feel free to send me a private message on here and I can help you solve the problem, I can even configure any servers to work with Nameless for you (free of charge).

Version: 1.0.19
I am wondering if when the other updates come out would we have to re-install the website?
Author's response

You don't need to reinstall the website, a small update package will be available in the AdminCP which you can upload to your website.

Whenever an update is released, there are full instructions on what you need to do in the AdminCP :)

Version: 1.0.19
As a first I apologize for my absolutely gruesome English, but as a German I can learn my mother tongue much better and flawless.

Well, where should I start?
Let's start with the functionality: NamelessMC is probably the best forum software for Minecraft servers, but why? I've never had a free forum software with so many features - combined with the Minecraft plugin, it's an incredibly good way to professionally and securely create a forum. The fact that you can deactivate the registration on the website and activates it only through the Minecraft server, guarantees that everyone is logged in with his real name and a valid email address. Features, for example, to synchronize the rank, come for more commercial networks, of course, more than convenient to its donors also in the forum to provide additional features. The forum has several themes that significantly change the look of it. Depending on the style of the server so the whole forum can be adapted to this. More or less every theme looks good, comes with nice designs and a really great look. Extensions make it possible for players to quickly apply via an application form or submit bug reports, for example. Settings to give only certain roles access to a forum category make it possible, for example, to create forums specifically for the team.
So almost perfect in terms of functionality. My only wish is that it is possible that in a certain subforum every player except for the team, of course, can only see their own posts and topics. As I've heard, but such a feature is coming soon and thus complete the functionality for our needs and that of the standard server owner.

For support I can only say that I have never had such a helpful and always friendly. Really: The NamelessMC support tops everything.
The team, especially the owner himself, has been able to clarify every question - and yes, I've had quite a few - especially when setting up, quite a few - to my complete satisfaction - that's really unique.

In general, NamelessMC is only recommended. I would get it at any time, even if it would be charged. I think it's so much nicer that it just is not. Investing so much time in a project that helps a lot but is still free is really awesome.

All in all, 5 out of 5 stars.

Good luck with the project.
Best regards, Blixary
Author's response
Thanks for the review, it's really appreciated! :)

Version: 1.0.19
Amazing web and amazing support.
More than 5 stars. +10 starssssssssssssssssssss

Version: 1.0.19
It looks so amazing, the support on the discord server is amazing too!
All my problems are solved now!

Version: 1.0.19
Awesome website. I had few problems and the author instantly helped me to fix it! I would recommend this!

Version: 1.0.19
What is this error? When I installed it was so! Is there a way to fix it?
Author's response
The solution can be found here:

Alternatively, you can download the version 2 development code from here: which won't have the same problem.

Feel free to send me a PM or join or Discord ( if you're still experiencing issues.

Version: 1.0.19
Great, quick support. I had issues with setting up my webserver on Ubuntu, but I was able to get a fast response that helped fix my problem :)
Although it's somewhat confusing to install on Linux (plus I'm dumb :P ), the website works flawlessly, is easy to edit, and I highly recommend
Author's response
Thanks for the review! :)

Version: 1.0.19
Helloo!! Very nice open source website software, 100/10.
I have 1 question, why is it so good and nice? :P

Version: 1.0.19
If need to be honest it's excellent work and i have a small request. Could you connect the authme with registration system? I need web register system which is contacted with mysql It's a source code for help.
If you can i'll be really thankful . And again good JOB!
Author's response
Thanks for the review!

The upcoming version 2 release will have AuthMe support (you can find v2 here:

Alternatively you can use the official Nameless plugin here: , although this is its own system and it does not hook into AuthMe.

Version: 1.0.19
Very good
El mejor complemento y completo de apoyo web
Muchas gracias por el recurso
Author's response
Thank you! :)

Version: 1.0.19
NamelessMC is good web, but how do I change the background? Can it change?
Author's response
Absolutely, Nameless lets you style your website using CSS.

To add a background image to your website, edit the file styles/themes/*Theme*/css/custom.css in a text editor, and paste this at the very bottom:

body {
background-image: url('/core/assets/img/background.jpg');
background-repeat: no-repeat;
background-attachment: fixed;
background-size: cover;

You'll have to upload your background image to the core/assets/img folder, and name it "background.jpg", or you can change the background image path to something else if you wish.

To change the image on the homepage, all you have to do is overwrite core/assets/img/background-1920x828.jpg with an image of your choice.

Version: 1.0.17
Exelent plugin, very good developer and very fast support. Best plugin for Minecraft Web Pages !
Author's response
Thanks! :)

Version: 1.0.17
Absolutely amazing resource. Not only is the forum software super easy to use, but the developer's support is absolutely amazing. He replied within SECONDS and helped me fix it fast!
Author's response
Thanks for the review! :)

Version: 1.0.17
Best Alternative to Enjin as it is easier to setup, use and edit to suit what I need.
Author's response
Thanks for the review, glad you like it! :)

Version: 1.0.16
Also come in Turkish language package The new new plug-in is like the market
Please add Turkish language pack

Version: 1.0.16
This is truly an amazing resource, this resource gives me the tools to make a truly amazing experience for my players. 2.0 is coming soon, and I'd love to help in any which way on getting 2.0 launched.

Version: 1.0.16
For readers: NamelessMC is love, NamelessMC is life, Why are you not using it? I am.. It's the best of the best. No more invoices on xenforo, enjin!

Version: 1.0.16
Great software! Better then xenforo and looks really professional. Everyone that is searching for a good and free forum software should use this onze.

Version: 1.0.16
I love your website template its really helpful i hope you keep working on it :D. Please unban me from your discord server i am Lertu btw

Version: 1.0.16
Absolutely wonderful. Interface is beautiful and very easy to use. Thank you for making this excellent software!

Version: 1.0.16
I love it. Works like a charm, and is extremely simple to use, and you can customize in it lots of ways.

Version: 1.0.16
Amazing web addon, but can you add support for AdvancedBans in infractions? That's what I use and I want this to be compatible with it.
Author's response
Thanks for the review! As long as you're running the latest version (1.0.16), AdvancedBan support is included in the addon :)

Version: 1.0.16
Loved this CMS. Amazing. Must have. This will be a great project. Looking forward to see how this grows up. ^^

Version: 1.0.16
Like it! keep it up.
I dont see why people call it a plugin? when is a website...
still just call it a web

Version: 1.0.16
I am leaving this review to maybe finally get this resource to the rating it deserves: 5 stars. Very easy to use, and if you get stuck on anything members in the NamelessMC discord server are incredibly helpful.

Version: 1.0.15
Excellent plugin, i love it.
Please update and add new features!:DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD

Version: 1.0.15
I love this plugin! It can be perfect to have a shop too! <3......................................................

Version: 1.0.15
I love this, Amazing, simple to setup "Once you make your DB propley" The Author support it very fast and very clear, unlike my web hosting.

If I could rate a 10 I would do it so here's the best I can do!

Great Job!

Version: 1.0.15
Hey~ I think this a good job
Can the language support chinese?
I can participate in the translation work
Author's response
Thanks for offering to help with translations!
The upcoming version 2 will support languages such as Chinese. Once it's out I'll hopefully release some documentation how to translate Nameless :)

Version: 1.0.15
Amazing design, simple, free. No problems with installation, all I need for my Minecraft server. Heading to donate in future, Nice job.

Version: 1.0.15
Amazing, free resource. No problems whatsoever, and I see 2.0 coming out with more features I'm excited about. Good job and I hope you get far with it.

Version: 1.0.15
love the website it helps me and i am using the per 2.0.0 and there is a error Error loading language file creating_label.php in Core
Author's response
Thanks for the review, glad you like it!

The error you mention has been fixed, and will be included in the next v2 pre-release :)

Version: 1.0.15
Best forum :3

Version: 1.0.15
Another update to this fantastic site that is easy to configure and use
Impossible to do without it, especially on my server where a normal /help is not enough for this one, I expanded dedicating a page in the website

Version: 1.0.15
Best Minecraft linked Forum you can ever imagine!
Top support!
Cant emagine that v2.0 will be greater!
Author's response
Thanks for the review!

Version: 1.0.15

Author's response

Version: 1.0.15
Amazing! But can be connect via Authme ? To use minecraft name and password for login in website ? :)
Author's response
Thanks! AuthMe integration is planned for a future update :)

Version: 1.0.15
Good website i updated it to the new 2.0 some things have its kinks but its only in testing so no complaints!
Author's response
Thanks, glad you like v2!

Version: 1.0.15
I love this plugin. It is great! Highly recommend.

One error I am getting is that when I go to change a group, when I click "Submit" it changes the HTML code from
<span class="label label-success">Member</span>
<span class=\"label label-success\">Member</span>
(with \ in it)
That makes it so it doesn't show the colored box around the group tag.
Is there a fix for this?
Author's response
Thanks! I'll take a look to see if I can figure out what could be happening.

Version: 1.0.15
Nice forum system!
Maybe can u add a shoutbox to it :)?
I'm using now MyBB for the chatbox that people can talk to each other.
Author's response
Thanks for the review, a chatbox is planned for an upcoming update :)

Version: 1.0.14
Very Good!

I'm Japanese.
I hope that I can correct garbled characters when typing in Japanese.
And if you correspond to Japanese you will also get more users in Japan.
Please keep doing my best in the future =D
Author's response
Thanks for the review! I can have a look into supporting Japanese characters for you :)

Version: 1.0.14
Samerton+love=namelessmc :D Well done samerton! keep it up! Btw I'm damianhan1 from discord. :D Anyways 5 stars!
Author's response
Thanks! :)

Version: 1.0.14
Hey nice resqurce but can you made me a api i will im pelement his forum in my website Thanks :D i hope you can made this :D
Author's response
An API is already available within Nameless, there is documentation available on GitHub:

It's intended for server -> website communications, if you want to implement just the forums within the rest of your site you'll need to edit the templates :)

Version: 1.0.14
Another spectacular update for this spectacular project
The absolute best and most simple
And each update just gets better and better
Author's response
Thanks! :)

Version: 1.0.13
Best forum software for a minecraft server that i could ask for
Had some problems setting this up and samerton helped me a ton with getting this up and running 10 / 10 would always use again

Version: 1.0.13
Best free software out there, also is there any change of LeaderHeads being added to Stats since it uses a MySQL database, couldnt request this somewere else since github issue tracker link is down :/
Author's response
LeaderHeads web interface support is being worked on at the moment, it should be ready not long after the upcoming version 2.0 release.
I've also fixed the GitHub link, thanks for spotting that :)

Version: 1.0.13
The best software to create pages and if you have any problems the support will help you in what you can.

Version: 1.0.13
Sinceramente es el software que uso para mi web, Lo tengo hace tiempo y veo su evolucion mes a mes, y me encanta esta interfaz gratuita :)

Version: 1.0.13
Very good website source and luxus plugin for registration on server. I recommend it for all players.

Version: 1.0.13
Its very awesome I'm using it scince 1.0.11 or 1.0.12 its so useful thanks but can you make it onepage themed

Version: 1.0.13
I love this service! However, I unfortunately gave this a 3/5 due to the fact that it is very confusing to make a theme. It is very hard and confusing and I would like it to be easier and more straight up. Include documentation for this please.
Author's response
Thanks for your review. Version 2.0 which is getting very close to a pre-release includes much better theme support, I'll release some documentation not long after it's released :)

Version: 1.0.13
I have a problem with the installation can you help me then i change the result | Skype: TheMineMC oder TheMinerMC!!!!

Version: 1.0.13
i wouldn't give 1 star because it seems to work and stuff but for me its not working and it seems to be the index.php for the installation redirecting to a non existing install folder which i was looking and it was on /pages/install.php but yea idk i need some help installing it. its not that noob friendly i guess xD
Author's response

The steps here should help you out:

If you're still experiencing issues, feel free to send me a PM and I can help further :)

Version: 1.0.13
Good! Thanks for the resource! Is VERY VERY GOOD! Thanks thanks thanks thanks thanks thanks thanks thanks!
Author's response
Thanks for the review!

Version: 1.0.13
It doesn't even work. I can't install the site. Don't even give this guy a download, it's not worth your time.
Author's response
If you could let us know what your issue is, we can help resolve it.
If the site doesn't work, it'll be down to easily fixable server configuration problems, instead of Nameless itself.

Version: 1.0.13
This is great alternative free forum software. There are so many things coming in future, and I really wish that custom forms would come in next version. I would donate at least up to $5, but I can't afford at the moment.

Quite useful!
Author's response
Thanks! I'm hoping to release custom forms not long after the next major release.

Version: 1.0.13
It would be nice to add the following:

* Play/status page
- "The staff that is connected"
- "Donors who is connected"
Author's response
Thanks for the suggestion, I'll definitely try and get this implemented once the official server plugin is released.

Version: 1.0.12
Where can I download addons such as a Report addon? And is there anyway I can order the NavBar for example, Forums first, then Members, then Donate etc. Other than that amazing software and cant wait for updates :)
Author's response
More addons are planned for the future, most probably just after version 2.0 is released.
As for navbar ordering, this is planned for a future update.

Thanks for the review!

Version: 1.0.12
umm little proplem i created the wesite but i cant Go and change my Prefix to Owner it Says you cant Edit the Roots Group
Author's response
To work around this, you can rename the "Admin" group to "Owner", and then create a new group for your admins.

Thanks for the review!

Version: 1.0.12
This forum software is amazing, free and simple to use. The developers are really kind and attentive. Congratulation Samerton and people who contribute to this forum!
Author's response

Version: 1.0.12
Great site, easy to configure and powerful. Extremely customizable and lightweight, a job well done. Really thanks !
Author's response

Version: 1.0.12
Amazing piece of software with regular updates, and all that for free! The code is very understandable so customizing it is easy
Author's response

Version: 1.0.12
Real amazing mind, and above all to be free, for now I'll use it for my future network is real spectacular mind. I'm thinking of donating
Author's response

Version: 1.0.12
Amazing but next time i dont to set it all up again please teach me how to upgrade it and how to use dream weaver on it pls thx
Author's response
You can upgrade your site without reinstalling everything in the AdminCP -> Update tab
As for editing the site with Dreamweaver, Nameless uses a template system so you'll need to edit the files in the styles/templates folder.

Version: 1.0.12
This update is the best! Thanks for add the change of Twitter twitts details :D

One thing, how can i update the website files for not lose nothing i do?
Author's response
You can find instructions on updating in the AdminCP -> Update tab, everything you need is there :)

Version: 1.0.11
this is an epic and power full web software for all of minecraft server the coding is expectacular this project is epic!
Author's response

Version: 1.0.11
Simple, easy to setup and the best, is free ;)
The forum section is the best! The syte tags looks epic!
Simply perfect! :D

And can you add any system for bans, warnings...
Keep the great/fantastic work! :D
Author's response
There is already a system for bans/warnings, if you're referring to site bans/warnings check the ModCP, and if you're referring to Minecraft bans/warnings check the Infractions addon in the AdminCP.

Version: 1.0.11
please help I cant know how to install any thing related to php PLS HELP How to get php myadmin easily
Author's response
Can you please post in the support thread? I'll be able to respond better there :)

Version: 1.0.11
Simply the best. Installed and got it fully working in 5 min... Features just perfect for minecraft server. I don't know what to tell. If you are minecraft server owner and thinking about making an website, don't think anymore and grab this awesome software. Upcoming features sounds even more awesome. Thank you for your HARD work to bringing this to us and keep this project alive for ever dear friend. This is my website:
Author's response
Thanks for the review!

Version: 1.0.11
I absolutely love this resource! So easy to use and less complicated than MyBB and phpBB. Get this instead. IMO it is better!
Author's response
Thanks for the review, glad you like it!

Version: 1.0.11
This looks absolutely amazing, its free, simple, and free :D Yes I said free 2 times :D //2short4arating
Author's response

Version: 1.0.11
Yeess! new update, was waiting for it! Keep up the awesome great work man!!! <3 The nameless forums Application.
Author's response

Version: 1.0.10
Looks great, easy to setup (took me under 10ms) and you can customize it with a little effort. I hope samerton can find a work around query method that gets player heads as well.

Version: 1.0.10
The level of professionalism and quality present in this piece of software is astounding. The code is clean, the website runs smoothly, and installation is simple.

The reason I've given this resource 4 stars is because it's missing several incredibly important features. One core part of this software is the server-end plugin for synchronizing ranks and validating Minecraft accounts, which is currently nonexistent (and the author has not given any clear statement as to when it will be available.) Once the software has that server-end capability, it will be ready for use on larger server sites. Of course, smaller features like user titles, colored names, leaderboards and more also are missing, but the author (a great guy who gives fast and effective support, by the way) plans to add them in soon.

Other than that, NamelessMC is a great open-source alternative to expensive forum softwares, with the added bonus of being tailored to Minecraft servers. Once the plugin is released, I'll be changing this review to five stars.

In the meantime, I hope that this resource will be updated frequently with the features it needs to truly bring itself up to where it belongs- among XenForo and Enjin as the go-to web option for Minecraft website software. And if development keeps going the way it's been going, that may hopefully be very soon.

Version: 1.0.10
Perhaps the best website software for anyone with a Minecraft server.
Great functionality, tons of features, server integration, and much, much more! Not to mention that it's all free... Really great work from these guys, HIGHLY recommend this for anyone with a Minecraft server that is looking for a free great quality/well-built website software!

I use this personally and absolutely love every aspect of it.
Keep up the amazing work!

Version: 1.0.10
Excellent forum software, would recommend. Features are great much better than some paid forum software.

Version: 1.0.10
Hey this is a good really good plugin. it says use server plugin? where do i get that. ty, keep up the great work!

Version: 1.0.10
The web is awesome but after installing it I recieve something like error.. It says 404 cant find the page. Or something like it. Please contact me over PM. Thanks for your amazing web cms and for sharing it. 5 stars for this project!!!
Author's response

Version: 1.0.10
Hey man, i'm getting this error when i install NamelessMC:

Please help me by contacting me on skype @ JustPrimed

Thanks very much!

Resource Information
Total Downloads: 23,638
First Release: Aug 25, 2015
Last Update: Jan 8, 2025
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
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