Oswaldo: A formidable Zombie adorned in full Netherite armor. Oswaldo can spawn fireballs and minions while occasionally throwing players backward in a mesmerizing circle of particles.
Tim: Mounted on a skeleton horse, Tim is a Skeleton archer that fires exploding arrows at players, adding an explosive challenge to your encounters.
Big Boy: A massive Giant with the ability to spawn zombie minions and deliver powerful knockback attacks. Prepare for a battle against overwhelming odds.
Albert: Encounter a never-ending slime with Albert. The challenge lies in facing an endless wave of slimy adversaries that never cease to grow.
Linear Algebra Integration: More Bosses utilizes linear algebra to precisely calculate and apply velocities to players during specific boss attacks. Brace yourself for dynamic and strategic movements as you navigate through boss encounters.
Transformation Matrices for Particle Effects: Immerse yourself in visually stunning battles. The plugin employs transformation matrices to spawn particles in captivating circular patterns, enhancing the overall visual appeal of boss encounters.
To spawn these powerful bosses in your Minecraft world, use the following in-game commands:
Code (Text):
/adminsword - Gives you the Admin Sword
/morebosses - Pulls up the GUI for spawning the Bosses
/albertremover - Get the stick to remove Albert
/removebars - Removes Boss Bars
Here are the plugin permissions to determine which players can spawn bosses:
Code (Text):
morebosses.use - GUI Permission
morebosses.albertremover - Albert Remover stick Permission
morebosses.removebars - Allows you to remove all boss bars
morebosses.adminsword- Lets the player summon the Admin Sword
Download the More Bosses plugin JAR file from the this page.
Place the JAR file in your Minecraft server's `plugins` folder.
Restart your server to apply the changes.
Configure plugin settings and permissions as needed.
Feel free to contribute to the development of More Bosses by forking the repository, making improvements, and creating pull requests. Bug reports and feature requests are also welcome in the issue tracker
This plugin is open-source and available under the MIT License. See the LICENSE file for more details.
Developed by Joseph Shumaker.
If you find More Bosses enjoyable, consider supporting the development by buying me a coffee