1.在这一次更新之前的版本,密集实体清理 这个功能里的配置,如黑名单世界,都是无法被指令重载的,只能重启才会更新你改动的内容,这一次更新修复了,已经支持重载了
Code (YAML):
# 默认的
- world
- xxx1
- xxx2
# 下面的群友写的
# - world
# - xxx1
# - xxx2
他们认为这样就是把BanWorldNameList这张表设为空了,但很遗憾,这是一个基础的yml文件格式问题,yml文件的留空写法是 BanWorldNameList: []
This time, I will explain the update in a mixed Chinese-English manner because my English level cannot guarantee that I can translate such a long paragraph accurately without any ambiguity. I will keep my original Chinese text.
Before this update, the settings in the "Dense Entity Cleanup" feature, such as the blacklist worlds, could not be reloaded by commands. You had to restart the server to apply any changes. This update fixes that, and now supports reloading.
A surprising discovery: I saw some group members believing that by doing this, they could set the BanWorldNameList configuration file to be empty:
Code (YAML):
# 默认的
- world
- xxx1
- xxx2
# 下面的群友写的
# - world
# - xxx1
# - xxx2
But unfortunately, this is a basic YAML file formatting issue. The correct way to leave the list empty in YAML is BanWorldNameList: [].
After the group members commented out the three worlds, the Bukkit API would interpret this as an incorrect configuration and default to using the BanWorldNameList from the plugin's default config file, which would re-enable the worlds world, xxx1, and xxx2.
I apologize for the issue that occurred this time, but most of the time, it is not the plugin causing the configuration file to be ineffective. Feel free to join the QQ group for discussion anytime.