[Optimization | Management | Cleanup] ⭐ WorldListTrashCan ⭐ More Than Just a Cleanup Plugin icon

[Optimization | Management | Cleanup] ⭐ WorldListTrashCan ⭐ More Than Just a Cleanup Plugin -----

A cleanup plugin that allows players to customize trash bins in their home worlds.

[Optimization | Management | Cleanup] ⭐ WorldListTrashCan ⭐ Big Update!!!
Prevent item deletion system
(Can be configured when you accidentally drop valuable items onto magma or cacti)
(Enter the command/wtc playertrash to retrieve the deleted item and configure the retrieval price)
(The system is equipped with three modes)
Mode 1: This type of item will be directly placed in the public trash can
Mode 2: This type of item will be placed in a personal trash can opened with instructions (configurable to retrieve price [requires Vault and its economy plugin])
Mode 3: Do not handle this type of item
(To prevent unexpected lag, how many seconds can items be configured not to be processed by the system?)
----------, Jan 18, 2024
Resource Information
Total Downloads: 3,911
First Release: Dec 3, 2023
Last Update: Yesterday at 8:37 AM
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
11 ratings
Find more info at www.mcbbs.net...
Version -----
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