Download the plugin and move it to the plugins folder of your Spigot server.
Restart the Spigot server once to generate the config.yml file. You can now customize everything in the config.yml.
After you have configured everything as you want, restart the Spigot server again.
If no error messages appear in the console now, everything is set up correctly!
/rang set <player> <rank> <time in days -1 = Lifetime>
/rang open RankSet GUI
targetPlayerNotOnline: '&cThe target player is not online.'
noPermission: '&cYou do not have permission to set this rank.'
invalidDurationFormat: '&cInvalid duration format. Please use a number of days or -1 for lifetime.'
rankUpdated: '&aThe rank has been updated to {rank} for {duration}.'
rankSetSuccessfully: '&aSuccessfully set the rank of {targetPlayer} to {rank} for {duration}.'
rankSetLog: '&e{player} has set the rank of {targetPlayer} to {rank} for {duration}.'
targetPlayerNotFound: '&cThe target player could not be found.'
availableRanks: '&aAvailable ranks: {ranks}'
commandUsage: '&eUsage: /luckrank set <player> <rank> <duration>'
prefix: "&2Luck&aRank &8» &7"
playerNameTitle: "Enter player name"
rankTitle: "Enter rank"
durationTitle: "Enter duration (use -1 for Lifetime)"